Within me....

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Re: Within me....
Post # 31
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Re: Within me....
Post # 32
I never did it deliberately, you're just blaming now.

No, they do not, on the Physical Plain.

Can you quote your source in regards to science denying Astral Projection? There is no need for a source saying something is non-existant. No evidence, it is scientifically non-existant, plain and simple. Remember that.

You can't debunk something that is debunking something. Maybe if you took the whole of that statement, instead of having it out of context, we could have something there to look at.

I agree there is a possibility, understand that isn't claiming something to actually exist. Doing that is absolute, I stand on a possibility.

Now, if you weren't so arrogant and expressed why my post in the other forum is useless, then maybe you could win. But face it, trav and Ryn both acknowledge my victory in that one. Go over there and explain why you believe it is wrong, until then, you have debunked nothing and I have in fact debunked you.
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Re: Within me....
Post # 33
“I agree there is a possibility”

I’m glad you accept the fact.

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Re: Within me....
Post # 34
Is all you wanted me to do is say that I agree there is a possibility? Keep in mind they are technically non-existant until they're proven. That whole deal seemed kind of pointless. Come to think of it, I don't quite believe in the possibility of Mermaids. Half-human half-fish things that live underwater and can speak any human language, and have their own civilization? I don't believe it's possible, mainly because there is nothing to back them up. Hear that? I don't believe the physical plain has a possibility of Mermaids.
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Re: Within me....
Post # 35
“Half-human half-fish”

You’ve been reading too much kids books.

“underwater and can speak any human language”

I don’t think that’s a concept anybody here believes.

“own civilization”

Who here said anything about a mermaid civilization?

“I don't believe it's possible”

Neither do it, nor have anybody aired that they think it was.

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Re: Within me....
Post # 36
Well, seeing as how they're depicted like that from ancient myths, and those are the only things we have to go on in terms of the Physical Plain, it does seem unlikely. It also seems unlikely that they would go on without leaving any sort of evidence whatsoever, expecially now that humanity is where it's at right now. After all, we've managed to replicate the conditions of the Big Bang for study, I doubt we would miss something like Mermaids.
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Re: Within me....
Post # 37
Poor attempt at distorting the reality of the subject, nice try though.
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Re: Within me....
Post # 38
If you're going to say the reality is distorted, you need to say how it is distorted and actually show the truth and fatcs. Unless you do that, the above post is invalid and therefore uselesss.
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Re: Within me....
Post # 39
“we've managed to replicate the conditions of the Big Bang for study”

No we haven’t, I’m sure you’re talking about the Large Hadron Collider, it hasn’t been switched on yet, liar. We could also create a black hole too!

“I doubt we would miss something like Mermaids.”

Well yeah your doubts really don’t benefit the discussion does it?

“depicted like that from ancient myths”

If you want to debunk something, learn about it. That’s not the place to look. Pathetic. Quote your sources too please

“expecially now that humanity is where it's at right now.”

And where is that? The place of paradise huh? Where our knowledge has been limited and science has become theology and a determent to belief and actual research? I think if we took that path we would be far back, if even close to where we are today.

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Re: Within me....
Post # 40
Apologies, as far as I knew, it happened on Wednesday. Read the articles concerning the particle accelerator, and you will find that the concerns involving a black hole are unfounded.

What makes oyu think that humanity in all it's splendor and advancement would miss something in the water that you can touch and see? We have already mapped out just about the entire ocean floor.

The source I have of ancient myths and legends is the start of Mermaids. It is where they were first documeneted, and if they're true, they will look like that. Keep in mind, you have yet to quote your source of science denying Astral Projection.

We aren't at Paradise, but I never said we were. Technology is only going up, and trust me, science is much better than any form of theism. What does it supply for us in terms of truth? When it is closely looked at, a God isn't needed to form life. If we took the path to better scientific research, it would help in terms of medical science, forensic science, defense technology and many others, it depends on what we focus development on.
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