The Coffee Shop

CovenNatural Magick ► The Coffee Shop
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Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Novice
Post # 121

There must be something legitimately wrong with me.

I... still enjoy math. I don't know why. I spent last night pissed off at my homework. I yell at the screen, throw a notebook or two, and yet, I still want to continue participating in the math courses. What's wrong with me? I could try and get a minor in Math. 20 hrs are required, and I have room. So, would it be all that bad?

(I also haven't told my advisor anything about wanting to take more math). Well, I'm sure the creative writing will fill up, and there is a Calculus course that fills the spot. So, should creative writing cut off, I will take it as a sign. .

Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 122
*sips coffee while lowkey suffering*
I was thinking of making a manga but i never have time to make one at all.I was thinking of making one to publish on youtube but of course they are expensive and no time.
Also i found out i suffer from mental shifts so that's great.
Also does anyone in the coven know about FNAF?
F.reddy's Series

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Novice
Post # 123

I genuinely don't know many people who don't know what FNAF is.

*aside from previous posy, takes shots of expresso into blood stream*

That moment when your online class tutor speaks in a way that puts you to sleep instantly. ;-;

Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 124
lol satyr

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Novice
Post # 125

*drinking chai tea joyfully*

I found my new favorite quote and I can't wait for open mic night tomorrow. Gonna do some poetry.

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 126

I'll have a hazelnut frappucino... or would, if Starbucks made them. @,@

*sips from her home made coffee*

So I've been singing along to Dragon Age: Inquisition songs and I'm absolutely in love with Fall of the Magister. I'm also really in love with Miracle of Sound 's "Halfman's Song" as it is absolutely perfect tavern music. I once made a post for Path of the Shaman in the advertisement forum (after okaying it with Percy and Jest) that made it out to be a tavern. PotS really isn't that coven anymore, but I still would love a tavern atmosphere and this thread is probably the closest to it. WE JUST NEED MORE MUSIC AND REGALING OF STORIES.

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Novice
Post # 127
Ha, we need some tavern song in here.

I'll have whatever's on tap, barkeep. I'm done with exams and I have three classes in the fall with my best friend, my romantic interest is in my major, and I might have a job by the end of next week. :D

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Novice
Post # 128

*sips his weeks old tea*

So an old friend of mine has started talking to me, kinda, after 3 years of not a single word. I'm not entirely sure how to take this...

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Novice
Post # 129

Pretty sure I figured out why snakes were a prominent thing in most of my spiritual life. *sips tea*


Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 130

*sloshes around some mead*

Almost done with finals. I'm still alive and breathing, so this must be a good thing. It feels like I've really accomplished a lot this year. To be able to say I survived a year of graduate school makes me proud. One more year and lots of work to go but I'll get that degree!

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