Fantasy land

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Re: Fantasy land
Post # 11
and you guys ket her be a mod you get a headache then what in the hell are you doing on this site and for starter have you ever experienced what they have experience you may sao that is not tru etc but until you walk in their shoes, you should choose your words wisely on this one another thing is you disrespected the wrong person i may not be all what you said there but however i do know what your going with this. i am a warlock ive been doing this my whole life many people think warlock are decievers and betrayers but how ever there is a lighter side to us, we are the darker sides of druids dont go around opening your mouth like that, even i dont do that you can say i dont you yah some times i will agree with on that but others well you eve insulted me you judged me your name isnt tory now is it? tory stands for the right hand of god only we can judge people cuz thats what the right hand of god does not even the left hand of god has that authority thank you very much you got a problem with fine then leave aint no one stoppin you but you.
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Re: Fantasy land
By: / Novice
Post # 12
I AGREE and do wonder as to why you are on this site at all!!

WHat do you represent, what (if any) magick do you do?
who are you?
I mean if you think this way why did you become a moderator and why did you ever stay on this site if you feel like this..

I agree that we are all entitled to our own opinions its a free world and allowed to be different.
But no need to be offensive to all those that are on this site!!!

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Re: Fantasy land
Post # 13
what he said too
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Re: Fantasy land
Post # 14
Ok then you are right in your practice. Everyone must be wrong. Perhaps we should think about this and stop wasting our time...
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Re: Fantasy land
Post # 15
Meaglin, what are you even doing here on this site and how did you become a mod when this is your view.

To open youself to this life you have to leave the material world behind, in your own words THE real world, cause I am afraid that you do not see THE REAL world, until you close your eyes to all that you have been taught, start listening, feeling and seeing.

If you can not do this you may like to rethink how you want to spend you spare time without suffering headaches from hearing people talk about their experiences. This is not us fantasiing or story telling.
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Re: Fantasy land
Post # 16
Maeglin, why in the world would you request to be a Mod of this site?
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Re: Fantasy land
Post # 17
i know thats what i said....
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Re: Fantasy land
Post # 18
I agree with everyone apart from the creator of this ridiculous forum.
Coming from a respected member of the site that is ranked a MODERATOR?
Something went wrong when you had they headaches.
Either admit that you have made a very bad judgement and delete your forum or be here and prove us all wrong.
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Re: Fantasy land
Post # 19
You proved nothing.
1.Vampires drink blood,but the bllod that they drink
get in touch with the air and then the blood get densed.

2.Pleas name the chemichals that link together peoples brains
And if there were some scientific proof that these cheimcals exist

3.Humans have leftover of the tail bone because human evolved from primitive animals that have tail.The present leftovers from our ancestor are of no use to the body.We also have body hair that dont have any biological function in the present.

4.The logic from your faeries are made can be compared to
5 years old imaginary friends,all hese mystic creature came from folk tales because the peasent didnt know how to explain some unnatural phenomens,so it seemed in that time.And because of that
people invented all mystichal creature including gods and devils.

And your statement that you are a man of science is ridiculus.
You dont have a clue about science or logic.By your post you explained nothing and you will need to be a little more convincting to prove that I m wrong.

And all of you that defend your liberty of tought,dont I have the ringht to do so,dont I have right to say my opinio eve if someone dont like it?

I hope that you will soon see the truth,not unnatural,mystic but logical and gradient,with a purpose of living this life to the
fullest and not to put your hopes in gods and such
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Re: Fantasy land
Post # 20
Maeglin,If you want everyone to separate from this fantasy world.Go do it.Its worthless though.

(not accurate though.)
Everything is made of energy.Weapons,fire,ice,air,electricity,gas,animals,humans and etc.There are these questions.Other tried to make proof of it but they did not understand.

Why were you born in the first place?What purpose do you seek?

No matter how many proof is shown.There can be no proof or wrogn or right.Also,you should let others believe their own beliefs.Spiritual beliefs..

I bet none of you won`t understand :P..unless you are smart..
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