Members of Baron

CovenBaron La Croix ► Members of Baron
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Re: Members of Baron
Post # 11
My name is Liz, I was born into a Hungarian Gypsy family (read my bio). I don't eat red meat, and eat very little chicken, turkey and hardly any pork. ( I have to admit that bacon is my weakness) Veggies.....yum.

My pet peeve is repeating myself.

I recently found out that I am a knowledge seeker and a lightworker.(it all makes sense now)

My strong points magickally are spell writing, working with crystals and stones and herbs. ( I am still learning crystals and herbs). I have helped many with my work with crystals.
I follow mostly Gypsy and Native American magick (although I don't know a lot about them as of yet but am learning) and I am very interested in learning Hoodoo, which I am researching currently.

I am a gemini, element being air.
Chinese astrology I am a boar, element being earth (doesnt make sense)
Native American astrology I am a Deer,elemant clan totem being butterfly--air (this one makes more sense)

And Tank, thank you for everything you have taught me so far.

Re: Members of Baron
Post # 12
I love teaching Lizzie and am more than happy to share my knowledge with people willing to learn

Re: Members of Baron
Post # 13
*riases hand real high* thats me

Re: Members of Baron
Post # 14
Well I'm Le Pendu...and well... I'm a guy lol my pet peeve is people who hate me,my friends,or crows/ravens.

Re: Members of Baron
Post # 15
Okay everyone, I'm Linda, I'm 43 years old. I've seen and spoke to dead people a couple of times. I tend to know things, not things of my choosing but things just come to me, especially when I'm about to get into some sort of trouble. I do tarot and have now for about 27 years. I've always been interested in real magic and nature. I'm engaged to a retired doctor. I've got family members in the past that where like me, my grand father. I was born with a loose peice of skin flabbed over my face, I've heard they call it a seer's veil. It was easily removed by the doctor no disfigurations. haha That's about it for me.

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