Why Oh why is this to me

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Re: Why Oh why is this to me
By: / Adept
Post # 11
I agree with Healer. There might be something that's activating his "Concern Sensor," and both of you are having an energetic exchange.

People's energy fields are constantly communicating with each other. Most folks are unaware of this, but this is the phenomenon that's responsible for immediately liking or disliking a person, someone who lights up a room, or someone who carries a dark cloud wherever they go. It's all information that gets sifted through our fields.

It doesn't have to be anything more complicated than this.
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Re: Why Oh why is this to me
Post # 12
ah, that is true the reson what I said last time was because my spirit guid said "History shall repeot it self". So I will whate and see what is to come.
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