growing hair spell

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Re: growing hair spell
Post # 11
No one else is going to call this?


I bet 10 bucks on it.

Anyways...You want a spell so bad? Write one. Write it, or try another persons. If you cannot figure out that there is more to a spell than saying words and crossing your fingers, then perhaps you should find something else to occupy your time.

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Re: growing hair spell
Post # 12
whos this jinxam and i know that god what is every day your time of the month
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Re: growing hair spell
Post # 13
First off jinxim was a guy that used to be here and rambled alot like you are now.Words that were spelled wrong and ,put together in sentences that made no sense at all,were the norm for him.I know that cant be you though,because he would never have made such a comment towards Thehealer82.;If you think simply because she cant stand STUPIDITY,that every day is her time of the month?Then I must be a medical marvel...cause I guess its my time of the month too..Im a male and my tollerance for stupidity is lower than hers.Also If you want to be taken seriously at least try to make sense with your posts,and replies
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Re: growing hair spell
Post # 14
also if i may add:
1) there is a spellcheck, use it
2) wat u said is kinda offensive
3) use yr eyes or maybe yr blind
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Re: growing hair spell
Post # 15
I think we just came up with a new term. A Jixdam. X3
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Re: growing hair spell
Post # 16
i like you Nodrk you got guts
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Re: growing hair spell
Post # 17
Aww, look babe...Jinxy likes you still =P

It's ok Jinxy...we're used to your backward speak. How long before you kill this account too?
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Re: growing hair spell
Post # 18
Im glad you do and You know what Titan..I like you too..just slow down some on your posts and double check..and you may be surprised how many others will also.
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Re: growing hair spell
Post # 19
And boy, you used spell check this time. I gave you an A+ for effort. I tried to keep it on the hush about him being Jinxam but as smart as Healer is, she figured it out. Nextly(not sure if thats a word lol), dont insult anybody Jinx. Like my master always said, dont throw stones in a glass house.
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Re: growing hair spell
Post # 20
I knew as soon as I saw him....I TRIED to keep it to myself. Really I did. The urge got to strong for me to control it any longer =(
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