Is There Such A Spell?

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Re: Is There Such A Spell?
By: / Novice
Post # 11
You don't think the universe would just tip the scales back in it's favor? Famine, drought, plague. My thought would be that those who fu-- up, should be stripped of their magick but forced to remember that they had it once. I agree though nekron. And I knew you were being silly...that's the only reason yours was the only post I replied to.
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Re: Is There Such A Spell?
Post # 12
Excuse me but i asked for usefull replies! not Sarky Comments!
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Re: Is There Such A Spell?
Post # 13
To get technical, you asked for useful and true.

Simply because you did not get a spell handed to you on a silver platter with blessings from all doesn't make anyone's comment here less true. And if you would take a second to look into what people are saying, you would see the information as useful as well.

You clearly did not, and that's on you. Not anyone else.

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Re: Is There Such A Spell?
Post # 14
Him, I've heard of this once, creating someone out of pure intent. Though it was mentioned by Sylvia Brown on a talk show. I cannot recall who she said did it, a friend or someone who wrote a book. She said the person spent months creating an old man, though results were not good. She said he turned evil and had to be destroyed. I have no idea of her credibility or works, that is just all I've ever heard on the subject. Also there is a belief that acknowledged existence equals existence.
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Re: Is There Such A Spell
Post # 15
Larka.. but sarcasm is AWESOME... and BRUTAL..
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