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Re: Weird
Post # 2
The fact that it smelled means there has to be a physical source. Someone might have had some of the oil. And you did not know about it. Maybe it was the person who woke you up. Possibly the cat as well.
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Re: Weird
Post # 3
We recently have moved and haven't had any patchouli in this house. I just thought it was odd. Sometimes I get visitors while I'm sleeping, but recently have been put on a medication that knocks me out at night. Lol
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Re: Weird
Post # 4
I agree with there more than likely being a physical source.
Maybe it was on some of your clothes or another item that you own.
Also, pets are not familiars.
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Re: Weird
Post # 5
Excuse me, my cat is my familiar, she will walk the circle with me, stay within it during a rite, or ritual, she knows I'm going to be sick before I do, I will say their is a difference in a Totem Animal, but if you are lucky to find a cat with that ability, it can be your familiar.

Back to the question, how long have you lived in this current home, have you noticed anything else that you cant explain, because a spirit can produce a smell trying to get your attention, it could be a loved one that has recently passed, using that smell to let you know who they are. Can you think of anyone that would know how much you love patchouli oil?? or it could be a spirit trying to get your trust, so be careful, maybe do a Tarot reading for your self, see if it sheds any light.
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Re: Weird
Post # 6
My guess is that your cats rubbed up against something in your house that has residue oil on it and as its woken you up you've gone to pet it and the small has transferred to your hands.
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Re: Weird
Post # 7
I don't mean to sound rude or disrespectful to spirits but they can not 'produce smells'. Please understand smell is a gaseous form of whatever product produces it, in our case patchouli oil. The presence of smell can only mean that there is a physical source. I will repeat again spirits can not 'produce smells'. Not at all.
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Re: Weird
Post # 8

As clarification, physical living animals are not familiars. Familiars are indeed spirits. You may have close bond with your animal. You can do magick with them as you could another human. They can empower your working just like others can. This still does not make them your familiar. The following post better elaborates and explains in depth the differences along with providing a historical time line, where the misconception comes from, and has many credible sources to back up their information.


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Re: Weird
Post # 9
Well I asked for a familiar to be sent to me in the form of a black kitten and the next day I found my Cleo. The original post wasn't even about my familiar I was looking for answers as to why I awoke smelling like patchouli. And as far as spirits not being able to display smells I disagree I smell my deceased father's cologne a the time and sense his spirit as well.
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Re: Weird
Post # 10
But you need to understand that for a smell to be 'displayed' there has to be some physical source that produces those gases (smell). Smell is not magical at all it is a hundred percent physical. This is like saying you saw smoke when nothing was burning, again not possible. Listen here it is still a very amazing thing to say whenever you 'sense' the spirit of your late father you can recall the smell of his cologne in your mind. It is an ability not many people have.
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Re: Weird
Post # 11
Perhaps there was some on your sheets? I don't know why your hands would have smelled like this.
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