Reality Shifting?

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Reality Shifting?
Post # 1

(Im unsure where I would put this thread. I stuck it in Misc because it isn't talking of magic or witchcraftitself but talks of the phenomena of realities and the universe.)

Im curious to see if anyone knows of reality shifting. Although I've never accomplished it myself, I've seen it in various places and it was pretty popular a few years ago on Tiktok. There's a lot of booming communities about it on Amino, and I'm wondering what people here think about it. What do you guys think about it? I'll be open to anything at all!

This is pretty short, but feel free to ask questions about it and I'll see what I can find on it and teach you/give you any sort of context needed to understand this better.


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Re: Reality Shifting?
Post # 2
After looking briefly at the Wikipedia article on the subject, it sounds to me like it's just a new label for an old concept. Mostly it reminds me of astral projection, especially the part about your body being asleep while your mind is awake. Not sure what else to make of it.
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Re: Reality Shifting?
By: / Novice
Post # 3
One other form of reality shifting I have heard about comes across as being essentially another term for magic and/or spiritual growth. Actively engaging will and mindful choice in order to affect a desired outcome or change.

An example would go like this;

Say you are saving money for a ew car, but you keep getting sidetracked by difficulties like unforseen expenses, getting ill and losing hours at work, having apiances fail at home and need replacing... that sort of thing. Your current reality is that you are being continuously unable to reach your goal.

The concept is that there are many concurrent realities that appear, and disappear, in a basically infinite way based on every probable outcomee of every moment choice or event we experience. The line we 'live' through is determined by what we inattentive choose to perceive... think influence of expectations. We feel like we will never get that car, so we perceive the line of reality where we never get it. Reality follows thoughts.

The method to make change and 'shift reality' is by consciously working to change your thoughts and attitudes, to regularly recognize that you might not be able to get that car -yet-, but remain confident that you will -soon-. Challenges will get handled and new ones will stop arriving/getting in the way, Opportunities to make back lost funds will come about, the car you want will drop in price or have a good deal appear, things will come together to make it happen.

The theory is that choosing to expect and observe positive outcomes will shift your perceptions and awareness towards those branches of your experienced reality.

So while seeming like a fluffy bunny, 'the secret'-reading bit of nonsense it is really just old wine, new bottle; Affecting he probability of events through application of will. It can work for some, or be a detriment to others. It all depends on how you work with it and what you are wanting to gain.
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Re: Reality Shifting?
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Typo/autocorrect correction;

...we inattentive choose to perceive...
should be
...we unintentionally choose to perceive...
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