The Negative One

CovenNatural Magick ► The Negative One
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The Negative One
Post # 1

No one ever speaks of the uses of negativity, or how valuable it can be to release it. And I actually do mean release it, not bottle it up thinking it will just go away if you supress it with more of something else and starving yourself of understanding a shadow self.

Unfortunately I cannot materialize many things into tangible sentences because it seems that no one ever sees any value in the other side of positivity, and then the neutral energies are even less talked about.

What are your experiences?

(Note-- title comes from a title of a Slipknot song. Its lyrics detail the grief of showing any kind of negativity, but also having the right to do so in order to get over grievances. [Grief over loss, for example, as the entire album is about a death within the band.] Other meanings involve religious connotations and the "opposing sides" of this dichotomy of light and dark. The Negative One also giving way to the saying of being between a rock and a hard place.)

So with that said, I think negativity has had a lack of acknowledgement and mention in how to actually work with it. Because if you don't, it will work for you in different ways and there's only so much a smudge stick will do for you.

Re: The Negative One
Post # 2

People bottle up negativity thinking it will go away, sometimes even to spare them from suffering in that moment. That's extremely bad.

When you gather negavitity, it's there and eventhough it might be gone for a couple of days, it will return to you stronger than ever. Why? Because you didn't do what you should and what you should do is just deal with it right away.

For example, negative emotions. People just discard them. They think they'll go away, that they'll stop. That's the very reason has to why many people have anger issues, depression, panick, anxiety. It's because they do not deal with it at the time. They wait and wait and wait and when it finally comes, they have no clue how to deal with it.

Re: The Negative One
Post # 3
Completely. And no one teaches how to deal with it either, people rather just use quick fixes.

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