MahouGesu's Profile

Member Info
Name: MahouGesu
Birthday: Sep 3 2000
Location: Purgatory
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Mon, 21 Aug 2017
Membership: Member

Website: view

Personal Bio
I do not like green eggs and ham.
Mmm, that's not really much of a bio, is it? Let's try that again.
Bonjour, hanni! My name is Vicky, but you may also refer to me as Gesu. I love J-rock/visual kei and my favourite musicians include:
Kanon Wakeshima
the GazettE
The Black Mages
I'm also a big fan of Tommy Emmanuel, classical piano music, jazz and bossa nova.
I also really love Final Fantasy, though I must say, it's gone rather downhill since the FFXIII trilogy. I also love Dragon Quest and Nintendo ^_^
My favourite YouTubers are The Lonely Goomba and Vinny (Vinesauce) and TV Tropes has ruined my life.
I live in England, but I want to live in Japan and be a dark fantasy author when I'm older.
As for magic and the like... I joined this site because I'm planning on writing something about a guy who goes to a different world and was hoping to find a teleportation spell. Soon enough, I ended up creating an account here. I'm interested in magic, but don't know an awful lot about it.
If you want to befriend/talk to me, don't be shy! I don't bite... much.
Well, toodlepip for now! ^_^