DracoMalo's Profile

Member Info
Name: DracoMalo
Last Seen: Sun, 13 Nov 2016
Membership: Member

Personal Bio

Regarding Mail:

This is not a place to only exchange words such as "Hi" or "Hello". I wish for those who want to message me to know that I do not tolerate fluff or idiotic questions. No, I will not tell you how to fly or to transform into some kind of mythical creature, because that is not possible. Please, withdrawal any topics that want me to give or do a spell for you, since I will not do things when told over the internet, nor will I do for someone in real life. To add to that I will mostly answer to such mail only if I feel there is a need to do so. On that note, I will also respond to mail if you bring up something interesting or that you wish to chatter with me on topics that are acceptable. Besides that everything I say goes for what I understand.


A little bit about myself...

I come from a strong Christian background and grew up in a strong Christianhome. It was difficult at first studying the things that I do without being caught, but when I did I was somehowturned into an outcast from my own family. But then the years went by and they accepted who I was, even when I cameout of the closet as agay man a few years back. Like most teenagers, I went through a rebelliousphase and started mocking God, though now I look back at it I laugh. The day I found how I could be Christian and practice magick was when I discovered hoodoo. Hoodoo caught my eye for a couple reasons, but one was that you were free to curse people, unlike Wiccans and their threefold law. This surprisedbecause how Jesus taught us to love one another and pray for our enemies, I felt like I met my true calling. Now I am delving more into Christian folk practices and I even wish to go deeper to the realm of ceremonial magick, but we can save that for later. All I can now say is that I'm happy I found what needed to be found and that I met awhole site of people who think just like me, making me feel less than an outcast.


Who am I magically?

This is a tough enough answer to bust someone's teeth up, but here we go. I go through a viscous cycle on trying to find something I like, but at the moment I am Christian omnitheist. Meaning I believe in God, but also other Gods as well. I am not that well at casting spells, though I hope my spellcasting abilities go up more when I can gather more confidence. I know how to cast a spell, but ya know sometimes I need help. I know this may sound fluffy, but I wish to make a grimoire on how to conjure dragons in a similar fashion like the Goetia, though I have no idea how to do that. As you can see I have a picture of Saint Geroge as a profile picture and I am planning on asking him and God to help me with this endeavor,plus I might ask Saint Martha too. I can channel spirits and deities through my body like a medium can and I use to be good at automatic writing, though not so much anymore. I can't really think of anything else. but I may add more later...


Thank you for reading!