Heather24011's Profile

Member Info
Name: Heather24011
Location: Roanoke, Va 24011
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sun, 09 Oct 2016
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Greetings, I'm Heather in Roanoke Virginia. I embrace & explore many Magical paths. I'm a student of magic and life, I'm also a single bi-sexual hippy witch and so much more. I believe most things we dislike can be turned around for the best if not then it can be banished and put away. Here in Virginia we have many beautiful places nearby to enjoy the outdoors. The Blueridge mountains, the Parkway, the Lake, Beaches, the Appalachian trail just to name a few. Roanoke is known as the "star city" due to its famous "Mill Mountain Star" landmark which is basically a neon Pentagram that can be seen for miles, the market areas are friendly and the area is pretty open minded, what's not for a witch to love? Here you can feel nature's power and energy everywhere, it is obvious these old mountains & rivers have much to offer. The energy crackles thru the air when friends gather in anticipation of a powerful storm. Our Green Druidistic path allows us to benefit from and enjoy all of this, Our diversity allows each of us to make this great experience our own. I am a member of a covenant here in Roanoke, they have a group on Facebook just search: Nightstorms Roanoke Witch Coven