nobody2.0's Profile

Member Info
Name: nobody2.0
Birthday: Aug 27
Location: My demented dreams
Last Seen: Wed, 27 Jul 2016
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Status: Broken Let's get this straight right off the bat. 1. I am not an "easy" person so if you are looking for one leave. 2. Please if you want to have a conversation don't let it be "hi how are you...I'm" if you want to talk have something to talk about. 3. Do not try to mess with me I will not tolerate you. 4. I am nobody and I will stay that way. You will address me as nobody or wish. 5. If I ever find out someone messes with my friends or family you will regret it. 6. I do NOT tolerate Christians who think homosexuals are bad/going to hell/are wrong. 7. I will not forgive you if you break my trust do not speak to me again. 8. Do not lie to me. 9. You are no one to me I am no one to you lets keep it that way. 10. If I am in a foul mood it is best to stay away. 11. I enjoy talking about religion just don't shove yours down my throat. I believe and worship the Greek Gods. 12. Please if you send me a message and it is the first time you have ever spoken to me do not confess your undying love for me because I know nothing about you so I will reject you but ask to be friends. Notice: If you mess with anoni_mouse, or calamity I will personally make your life hell they are my loving family. If I find out you have hurt any of my friends you should expect a message from me which will not be too pleasant. NOTICE: I could use a teacher for learning Greek and Japanese. I need help on astral projecting and reiki. About me: I am 5'8" i am still in school. I am a major screw up.