mooncat1415's Profile

Member Info
Name: mooncat1415
Birthday: Jul 26 2000
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Mon, 15 Jun 2015
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
my actual name is niamh and i am 14 and i am a Wicca. none of my friends or family are Wiccas or practices magic but i started to get in to magic after i found out i can predict bad things are going to happen of cores know one believed me when i told my friends i could predict bad stuff so know one knows because they can not except that i am a Wicca.
i cast a wish spell and i wished that the person i fancied would go out with me and one week after he asked me out it was amazing but i think i might have caused a thunder storm.
I decided to right some story poem things so hear they are.

worrying time begins and you try to cover it up because you do not want to worry anyone that is when it starts...
the never ending fog of lies and deception.
when I try to get throe it more fog emerges. when I try to look over it I cant find the sky. when I try to come out of it you pull me back in. the therther I go in to it the more I choke.
but you can save me help me throe the endless fog lend a hand and I can get to you and help you.
but if you don't then you will fade until you are gone but the fog will remain.