BlessedSeekr's Profile

Member Info
Name: BlessedSeekr
Location: United States
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Mon, 24 Nov 2014
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Hello:) Currently, I am in a psychology doctoral program and have been very busy in life. I am also a newlywed and mother of two furry children (Italian Greyhounds). Growing up, I was taught Christianity in a Baptist Church. Once I began learning about other religions, however, there were several aspects of Christianity (at least the way those I was around practiced it) that bothered me. Starting in undergrad, I began investigating Wicca and Paganism and did a presentation for my public speaking class on it. Ever since, I have been intrigued and tried searching for covens or people to connect with. Living in the southern, conservative area that I do has made it difficult. Learning that there are online sites that will allow me to connect with others is opening the door for me to begin practicing and learning (as I am a "newbie."