seraphene's Profile

Member Info
Name: seraphene
Birthday: Dec 27 1998
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Sun, 27 Dec 2015
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Trust? Haha What is trust? That young child by the tree thought things were right then came bruises and beatings. Then later the scars. I dont believe in caring parents anymore. All the lies. They are rocks that hold me down. And sometimes i let them drag me to the bottom of the ocean. But why? Why wont they stop!? The voices? I have asked for help but what is the point in doing that when i am almost free? I am happy right now and my happiness will grow even more when i am with him in person I know people can care less Thats fine. Who ever cared for me in the past anyway? I used to try to hurt people but I now see no need. I had to learn this the hard way but I am more sensible. If I have common sense I'm glad its about this one thing I am trapped in my own little hell on earth. I know that this is foolish but Can someone please cast a death spell for me? Root under-active: -38% Sacral under active: -19% Navel under active: 25% heart under active: 0% Throat open: 44% Third eye under active: -6% Crown: under active: -12% I have a boyfrined. I do not use this site for dating If you have made it this far then Congrats. I do not live with your god. I live with satan. If you want to talk to me then Go ahead. Do not talk to me saying "gods bless" Some of Us find it offensive