kimochee's Profile

Member Info
Name: kimochee
Location: usa
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Wed, 31 Dec 2014
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
I'm a Pk (preacher's kid) and military brat. My extremely strict upbringing has resulted in my being a somewhat sporadic misguided soul who does whatever whenever.
Recently while exploring the world of Second Life, I stumbled into the fascinating world of wicca and attended a few classes. Surprisingly, weird things began to happen so I thought it would be best to seek a bit of guidance rather than drown myself in my own enthusiasm.
My picture is of my second life avi because it is there that I found this part of my path in life. I am an elf in that world, but in reality, I am me and certainly hold a strong grasp on reality, hence the reason for seeking knowledge in an otherwise precarious road.