MONEJ's Profile

Member Info
Birthday: Jan 29 1994
Location: earth
Gender: Male
Last Seen: Sat, 15 Feb 2014
Membership: Member

Personal Bio
Monej!!! Strang name I know... but l like it
I am 19 years old lives on planet earth and my real name is ****** .
I am not a pure English speaker so please ignor any mistakes in the words I wrote
I don't believe that what are you doing here is magic or even close to be magic... and if you wont to know why you can mail me for that .
I know spells if you done it you will be shocked from the results...
All the spells here miss the most important thing at all and no one even had notis that missing part so that's why spells won't work with you guys .
And one last thing ,, why are most of you are so interested to be a vampire or wolfren or a meremaid ??? And what make it worse is that you actually believe that you became a vampire or one of these things !!!! Will I have some bad news for ya .. you are a human been and you won't even be close to be anything else !