Lizzie_lopez's Profile

Member Info
Name: Lizzie_lopez
Location: 525jackson aven
Gender: Female
Last Seen: Wed, 23 Jul 2014
Membership: Contributor

Personal Bio
I am a Wicca in training learning witchcraft to the full possibility's of it. I have studied and believed in this since I was 7 years old and I have wrote many spells as well as made many potions to help those that I love I do believe in the wiccan rede and I obey its law I used to belong to a coven called the double moons but sadly they have all moved. I write poetry, songs, spells, recipes, and story's. I believe in the divine feminine Gaia and the earth. what you put out comes back to you times three. I am a pisces and is very emotional my spells are written by mood and feeling which powers them. thank you for reading about me.