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Search Results for magic
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Magical Techniques - Magic Forums
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...This is NOT my work, its Scott Cunningham. He is a very well informed writer, that has written books on almost every subject pertained to magic. Many people think that magic involves marking cryptic signs, uttering incomprehensible words, walking backward around cracked stones, and other unusual actions. They believe that such...
law of magic success - Magic Forums
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...''Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success'' not my...
Healing of Chronic diseases via magic
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...Hello everyone Some time ago my grandpa died with cancer even though my dad spent a lot of money on hos treatment, though he died.At that time i wasn't well aware of witchcraft (though i am not at all good at it even now). My grandma is also suffering from diabetes...
grey magic spell - Magic Forums
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...well yesterday i used a easy good luck spell and it worked but the problem is it was a grey magic spell(atleast i think it was). i didnt no.anyways i used it for baseball practice and some1 got shot so practice ended early (just liked i wanted it 2) so is...
Magic for addictions - Magic Forums
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...I have a big addiction to sugar and dont want to end up diabetic. My brother is addicted to caffine, although thats not as serious as becoming diabetic. Anyway, is there a spell that helps people with addictions? Spell Suggestions magic for addictions Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start...
Healing magic guidance? - Magic Forums
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...I am new to this site personally, as I just recently joined, but I' have been attempting to find information on ways to heal with forms of magic, or energy manipulation, in multiple books, online texts and sites like this one to no avail. I have also attempted spells before, mainly...
Basic Magic - Magic Forums
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...Hey every one I want to learn some basic magic spells can some one help me Kind Regards: firewolf15 Spell Suggestions Basic magic Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Basic magic.......
Getting back to magic - Magic Forums
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...I am getting back to magic again,,, I am a little rusty came here for help and guidance. Does anyone want to help me?Introduce Yourself Getting back to magic Reply to this post oldest 1 newest newest Start a new thread Pages: oldest 1 newest Getting back to magic.......
I'm New Too Magic - Magic Forums
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...My name is Katie, I've casted many spells and 2 were tonight and one seems to be working and I'm not sure about the other one. I've casted other spells before this and they aren't working, can you help me? I also want to make my own spell but don't know...
Magic and Satanism - Magic Forums
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...Hey, this might be off topic but is there a black/white magic spell that can bring money instant? Say like after a day, some minutes or even immediately. Am new here. I need help. I want alot of money to pay debts and bills. Any spell that can help?? Inbox me...
help with intro to magic - Magic Forums
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...hi guys. im working on becoming a spellcaster, as i recently found out my mom is one, but need some help that the newbie section didnt cover. i wanna know a good, safe spell tnat i can start with to become better and increase my magical energy. in addition to that,...
picture magic?!? - Magic Forums
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...I was thinking this as a beauty spell.the purpose is you liking a physical feature of a person, like their eye color, hair texture, hair color, their dimples , if you have an available picture of that feature you do a spell or point out this is what you would like....
Magic people - Magic Forums
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...Has anybody herd of canad of Megenburg I bout a wand at an antique shop and there was an old burnt pice of parchment that said he was the previous owner I think it the wand was just some old kids toy but I'm wondering if he was real Misc Topics...
Chi magic - Magic Forums
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...Is there anyone who can inform me about how to harness magik from my chi. I'm an influencer on using chi since I was eight and I'm trying to see how to harness it. Other Paths Chi magic Reply to this post oldest 1 newest Start a a new thread Pages:...
New Year's Magic - Magic Forums
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...Merry meet! I hope you are all doing great and making a little magic each day. What ritual or spellwork would you recommend for New Year's Eve / New Year's Day? My beau and I will probably go dancing the eve of the New Year, but before that I would like...
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