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24 Life Spells from Dark Moon's Light

24 Life Spells from Dark Moon's Light

Included in this list of 24 Life Spells
  1. Cell Phone Signal Boost
  2. Wish Spell
  3. Money Attracting Spell
  4. Meditation Spell to Seek the Truth
  5. Clear as Air
  6. Flame Sword
  7. 3 Breaths into the Wind
  8. Tangled Web Revenge Spell
  9. View a Past Life
  10. Spell to Know the Child Within
#1 - #10
#21 - #24

#1 - Cell Phone Signal Boost

When you are in a dead zone and you cant get a signal, all you have to do is a simple chant and believe it will get a signal.
You may need:

  • Cell phone
  • You
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    You may need:

  • Cell phone
  • You
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    Hold cellphone up to your face and look were the signal bars would be and imagin the bars being there all the sudden, chant:

    "Phone phone come and get a signal for me today."

    Now imagin the phone getting a signal and wa la in a min or two it will pick up a signal or two.

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    Last edited on Apr 27, 2018
    Part of the Dark Moon's Light Library.

    #2 - Wish Spell

    To bring about your greatest wish by the next full.
    You may need:

  • One purple candle
  • A piece of virgin parchment paper
  • three drops of your blood
  • your voice and your desire
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    You may need:

  • One purple candle
  • A piece of virgin parchment paper
  • three drops of your blood
  • your voice and your desire
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    One purple candle
    Three drops of your blood
    And perform sky clad ( nude)

    All you need is your will

    Your voice and your wish

    Anoint the candle wick with your blood
    And put some of the blood on the wish that your asking for

    Write your wish on a piece of virgin paper hold it in your hand close to your heart and envision your wish coming true,
    While chanting the spell below.

    Good luck and blessed be.

    "Ancient powers of Wizards and mages
    Ancient powers of seers and sages,
    Lend your powers to this spell
    Grant me this wish and all shall be well
    I wish that _______________________________ shall be mines by the next full moon."

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    Last edited on May 26, 2016
    Part of the Dark Moon's Light Library.

    #3 - Money Attracting Spell

    Attract money easily.
    You may need:

  • Bergamont Oil
  • Bay Leaf
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    You may need:

  • Bergamont Oil
  • Bay Leaf
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    All you have to do is put the oil on your hands! Bergamont oil naturally attracts money. To keep poverty from creeping into your wallet place a bay leaf in it to protect you from poverty.

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    Last edited on May 25, 2016
    Part of the Dark Moon's Light Library.

    #4 - Meditation Spell to Seek the Truth

    Helps you to learn the truth.
    You may need:

  • white for spirit- 3 of them (candles)
  • enough space to cast a circle
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    You may need:

  • white for spirit- 3 of them (candles)
  • enough space to cast a circle
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    You need three candles, white for spirit and brand new candles is probably best.

    Cast a circle if you do that, if not, find a quiet time and space where you will not be disturbed.

    Stand in the middle of your space and place the first candle directly in front of you.

    Light it and say,

    I am I
    and I
    seek truth

    Place the second candle slightly behind and to your left.

    Turn towards it, light it and say,

    I am you
    and I
    seek the truth.

    Place the third candle to make up the triangle, light it and say,

    I am we
    and I
    seek the truth.

    Now sit down in the center, facing the ''I'' candle.

    Close your eyes, breathe up into a meditative state and until you are quite calm and clear.

    Now, see you and him sitting opposite each other, facing each other across a candle.

    Let yourself rise up and out of your self until you are above the scene and you can see both of you beneath you.

    Slowly turn and move so that you are BEHIND the other.

    Say in your mind, say to yourself,

    I seek the truth
    and nothing but the truth.

    Now slowly move forward and into the other, until you see yourself sitting across from the you.

    Observe, see, know, talk, listen.

    When you have learned what you need to learn, GENTLY move backwards and out of the other. Then rise up to the central position where you can see both of you again, then move straight back down into your own self.

    Say in your mind to the other whatever you want them to know, or you need to say. Thank them for their presence, and slowly breathe down until you are back in the room, facing your candle.

    You can take that time to think about what you have learned and what you need to do or change now in the hard world; when you are done, blow out the candles in reverse order, bow your head and use what you have learned for the good of all, and harm of none.

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    Part of the Dark Moon's Light Library.

    #5 - Clear as Air

    To be forgotten or not to be noticed around others you don't wish to talk to or have a convosation with.
    You may need:

  • Blue and Black Candle
  • Match
  • Fire proof surface
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    You may need:

  • Blue and Black Candle
  • Match
  • Fire proof surface
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    Put the candles on or in a fireproof surface, light candles and stare in the space between the candles, preferabbly looking at nothing but air visualizing yourself dissappearing with the air around the candles. chant:

    "As for the seen make me unseen to unworthy eyes, only those whom I see true can see me. Through the element air, cast me into your cloak of illussion until I so deem to be seen. as I blow the candles out the smoke shall illusianize me in it's feathery cloak."

    Blow out the candles towards eachother, you don't move the candle to blow them out.

    Visualize yourself becoming invisible in the smokes grasp, now forget the spell and continue on with your day. to reverse the spell, all ou have to do is go to the candles were you made the spell and visualize yourself reappearing in the middle of the two candles, now relight the candles and say:

    "As may as I might, the sight of light falls onto my face as step out of the cloak illusionary flight."

    Spell is now done... have fun.

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    Last edited on Apr 30, 2016
    Part of the Dark Moon's Light Library.

    #6 - Flame Sword

    This is for pay-back To Fight back when someone do something bad to you!
    You may need:

  • 4 White candle's
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    You may need:

  • 4 White candle's
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    The intent of this spell is to bring great pressure on your enemies.

    The spell must be used judiciously so as not to bring unnecessary suffering to the innocent and blameless. If ill-used, the effects of this spell can return upon you and your life turned to misery.

    Having accurately determined the enemy and their actions, the spell need be cast thusly: At the midnight of a waning moon, in a darkened room, three candles need be lighted and placed on the floor so as to form a triangle. You should then sit in the center of the triangle, light a fourth candle and hold it with both of your hands.

    Close your eyes, focus on your enemy or enemies, and repeat their names aloud only one time. Open your eyes and stare at the flame of the candle, focusing your gaze at the base of the flame. The following invocation should be spoken aloud:

    Spirits of the light draw near and hear my cry
    Evil rises and forms against me
    Thine enemies harm for me harbor
    And clamor that ill-deeds be done
    Ill-deeds to add to the iniquitous actions
    Of them and their minions of the dark
    I beg thee fold me in thy arms
    Whilst right be done and vengeance be wrought
    The flaming sword of retribution
    Be visited upon them and their hearts be purged
    Let great pressure be brought to bear
    Upon their wicked heads
    So that their minds may be washed clean
    Of ill-intent and darkness.
    These things I beg of thee
    That thus they may come to pass.

    Holding the candle now with only your left hand, pass your right hand over the flame of the candle three times and then extinguish the candle. Extinguish the candles on the floor in a clockwise rotation from that which you extinguish first.

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    Part of the Dark Moon's Light Library.

    #7 - 3 Breaths into the Wind

    This is a wish spell.
    You may need:

  • Your breath
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    You may need:

  • Your breath
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    Step 1: Find a place (outdoors) on a windy day. The place should be peaceful, and in the most natural surroundings you can find. The place should give you a sense of peace.

    Step 2: Center yourself, close your eyes and take as deep a breath as you can.

    Step 3: Hold your breath for 3 seconds, and exhale slowly, calmly.

    Step 4: As you are exhaling state the first of your desires, without getting greedy. You must finish stating your desire by the time your breath is gone.

    StepT 5: Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 for 2 more breaths...and with each breath you should state a different desire.

    Step 6: Don't tell anyone about what you asked for...keep it to yourself. (This is why I'm not going to tell you what I asked for... ) -------------- Let the wind do the rest... it will carry the energy you created with your breath, and your desire to the doorstep of the Goddess...and you'll begin to see your desires materialize soon... but don't dwell on it! Believe, and trust... it will happen. So mote it be!

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    Part of the Dark Moon's Light Library.

    #8 - Tangled Web Revenge Spell

    To compel not only one target to tell the truth, but all said target’s allies as well.
    You may need:

  • Drawn picture of spider web, however large you like.
  • Blue or White candle, 6 or 12-inch taper.
  • Truth Oil (several recipes below).
  • Link to target (picture, signature, name/birthdate, whatever you feel necessary)
  • ********************************
  • TRUTH OIL 1:
  • 3 drops Clary Sage
  • 3 drops Lavender
  • 2 drops Pine
  • 3 drops calamus roots (or use marigold leaves)
  • TRUTH OIL 2:
  • 3 Drops Patchouli 3 Drops Honeysuckle
  • 1 Drop Sage
  • 1 Drop Balm of Gilead
  • TRUTH OIL 3:
  • 1 teaspoon Sandalwood oil
  • 5 drops Cinnamon oil
  • 5 drops Hibiscus oil
  • Add to:
  • 2 ounces sweet almond oil or grapeseed oil
  • 1/2 Vitamin E capsule (just the powder or liquid, discard the gel cap)
  • Add the oils to a glass jar along with the Vitamin E. Securely fasten the lid, shake vigorously and let sit in bright, warm place. Shake vigorously 2 times a day for 14 days. Strain through cheese cloth if needed and bottle. Store in a cool dark place.
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    You may need:

  • Drawn picture of spider web, however large you like.
  • Blue or White candle, 6 or 12-inch taper.
  • Truth Oil (several recipes below).
  • Link to target (picture, signature, name/birthdate, whatever you feel necessary)
  • ********************************
  • TRUTH OIL 1:
  • 3 drops Clary Sage
  • 3 drops Lavender
  • 2 drops Pine
  • 3 drops calamus roots (or use marigold leaves)
  • TRUTH OIL 2:
  • 3 Drops Patchouli 3 Drops Honeysuckle
  • 1 Drop Sage
  • 1 Drop Balm of Gilead
  • TRUTH OIL 3:
  • 1 teaspoon Sandalwood oil
  • 5 drops Cinnamon oil
  • 5 drops Hibiscus oil
  • Add to:
  • 2 ounces sweet almond oil or grapeseed oil
  • 1/2 Vitamin E capsule (just the powder or liquid, discard the gel cap)
  • Add the oils to a glass jar along with the Vitamin E. Securely fasten the lid, shake vigorously and let sit in bright, warm place. Shake vigorously 2 times a day for 14 days. Strain through cheese cloth if needed and bottle. Store in a cool dark place.
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    1. Place link to target at center of the spider web and say:

    ''Little spider, Queen/King of Lies,

    Pulling the wool over people’s eyes.

    Oh what a tangled web you weave

    When you practice to deceive.''

    2. Envision the web as the target’s web of lies, and all the people who have been pulled into it, whether as knowing accomplices or innocent victims (you need not know who these people actually are). Say:

    ''Other spiders that came to your aid

    With you this sordid web have made.

    So many caught like helpless flies,

    Victim to your vicious lies.''

    3. Anoint candle however you prefer.

    4. Light candle and say:

    ''As this light shines thought your deceit,

    Your lies the Truth will now defeat.

    No matter how hard you all strive,

    Your treachery will not survive.''

    5. Take a few moments to charge the candle with energy. 6. When ready, take the candle and carefully drip wax around the spiral of the web (not the ''anchor lines''), starting at the center. Say:

    ''With this wax your lies are stayed.

    Confessions of truth will be made.

    The light of Truth sets your victims free.

    This is my desire, so it will be.''

    7. Let candle burn down.

    8. Once candle is burned down, dispose of web.

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    #9 - View a Past Life

    A spell that will allow you to see your previous lives.
    You may need:

  • None
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    You may need:

  • None
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    Sit in a comfortable plase and meditate using a candle, or whatever method works best for you while muttering and focusing on these words like a chant: "Elements and spirits take me to see my past lives, so mote it be".

    Don't be afraid to let yourself drift into a sleep like trance as it is here that you will see the vision.

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    Last edited on Feb 28, 2016
    Part of the Dark Moon's Light Library.

    #10 - Spell to Know the Child Within

    Everyone has an inner child, hear is a way to get to know that inner child.
    You may need:

  • a green or blue candle
  • doll or stuffed animal
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    You may need:

  • a green or blue candle
  • doll or stuffed animal
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    Cast a Circle. Sit facing south and light a green or blue candle. .

    Take it in your hands and sprinkle it with salt water.


    ''I name you _________________.''

    (Use your own childhood name or nickname.)

    Hold it in your arms, croon to it, rock it, and talk to it. Tell

    it everything you would have liked to hear as a child. Let it talk to you and tell you how it feels and what it wants. Let your voice

    change. Play.

    Raise energy and visualize that you are pouring it into the doll, who is your own inner self. Create an

    image of your own child self as you would have liked it to be, and project it into your doll. Continue until the doll is glowing with white

    light and love.

    Kiss the doll. Wrap it in white cloth and lay it to rest on your altar. Bind the spell. Earth the power.

    Open the Circle. Repeat as often as you need or want to.

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    Part of the Dark Moon's Light Library.

    24 Life Spells from Dark Moon's Light
    #1 - #10
    #21 - #24