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Forums -> General Info -> Re: Some information I found
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Original Post:
by: DanielEadie on Jul 04, 2008

I was scanning the internet last night and stumbled upon some very disturbing information which I thought I would share will all of you. Now you guys all know what flouride is right? It's in almost all products consumable to humans and it also has a very high concentration in toothpaste. Fluouride is infact also rat poison! In some countries (mainly America) the government are actually putting fluoride into the water supply. It is said to produce tooth decay but it has infact been recognised by some scientists as doing more harm than good. So why would the government effectivly poison are water supply? The first reason is that fluoride dumbs you down, the nazi's used this same technique to keep order in there concentration camps. The second and somewhat more relevant reason is far more interesting.

In the centre of the brain, level with your eyebrows there is the part of the brain called the pineal gland. The pineal gland is no more than an inch long and is shaped like a pine cone which is very significant but I will not get into that just now. Anyway you might not of heard of the pineal gland but it is actually your third eye or the minds eye if you will. It has a thin lens in it and is light sensitive. Some people even call the pineal gland "the souls chair" meaning how the soul connects to the body.The pineal gland has EVERYTHING to do with magic, chakras, astral projection etc etc. The pineal gland has liquid inside it but this liquid starts to calcify as you get older. When the pineal gland fully calcifys the human dies. The pineal gland also controls your gender and your ageing process. The funny thing is fluoride speeds up the process of calcification in the pineal gland which in turn lowers are physcis abilities etc and also speeds up are ageing process and where is this fluoride comeing from? Almost all food we eat and now in some countries in the watter supply and how does it get there? THE GOVERNMENT!