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Original Post:
by: Balance on Dec 04, 2008

this is for all those people joining the tournament this weekend, if you dont know how to astral yet or if you come with bad intentions to hurt someone, or if you arent registered on a team, you will not be able to access this realm as the tournament will be accessing it, you can however use the construct i have typed out here to guide you
for future use and play (this construct will not be available always, only for the weekend, after midnight sunday rules go back and anyone caught tresspassing will be slapped, survivors will be severely scowled at...

sorry i havent replied to anyone yet today... i logged on and suddenly had massive mails flooding my inbox to the point where i cant reply as fast as they are coming in... pls ppl stop with the mails or at least wait for me to get home from work this afternoon ;x (lol) okies this is how it is gonna work,

meditate be ready to slip into astral (it will be open from 12 noon gmt) let your mind go completely blank (what you are doing here is pushing past astral into the higher realms of dimension, allow the universe to flow into you and fill your vision with white light, and feel the universe warm you from the inside, slip through/phase out (whatever technique you use) and a sunny white beach will loom into view, understand that this level of astral will be interpreted all by your own minds, so just to guide it a long a bit. beaches in front of you, forrests to the left, castle to the right, cliffs beyond the castle and the arena beyond the forrest, everything you see and meet is real, the beings in my realm are all spirits, deities or other such forms of conciousness. there is also a full host of angels and demons to grant your simplest (resonable) wishes from epic battle armour to ambrosia, ladies and gentlemen, heaven is yours for the weekennd, feel free to enjoy every bit of it (yes all plants are "edible" and can all make you really "enjoy" them (for those of you who were wondering if you can trip out in heaven) also, everything is impervious to real destruction and also your souls will also individually be guarded and protected from true damage, so no one has to worry about having their souls ripped out of their bodies, no one has to stress about having a whole blasted out of them, battle damage will not transfer to physical.
have fun, dont hold back, let go, push harder go further you are more than you realise if you only reach out and take it for yourself, and dont worry, clean up is as simple as 1...2...3