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DID YOU KNOW! god is a lover no matter what! he'll never give up on loving you he loves you forever! If you also didn't know the commandments here they are! Commandments 1-do not worship any other god! 2-do not make any idols! 3-do not misuse the name of god! 4-keep the Sabbath Holy! 5-Always honor your mother and father 6-NEVER EVER IN YOUR LIFE TIME MURDER YOURSELF OR ANYBODY ELSE!!! 7-Do NOT commit Adultery 8-never ever STEAL! 9-Do NOT EVER LIE! 10-DO NOT COVENT! Please follow god in your heart and all threw your life time and please don't listen to Satan he's only trying to turn you against god! he will use all his power to make you mean, greedier, and needier! and he will use all his power I learned it and know I'm passing it on to you brave one's! So always follow gods path not Satan's path! When I followed god! he showed me good and kindness and respectfulness! but when Satan used his power on me I turned against god with him! Satan damaged my soul, and body he made me lose my best friends, lose my kindness make me disobey the ten commandments of god! he turned me evil, greedier, needier, made me a cheater at school and a stealer and liar! I hated that! I thought of something though I went to see Satan's words come out onto a man and I listened very very carefully...I started to cry because I looked at myself and said 'what have I become! I turned against my father of heaven and followed our hateful devil! I watched the ten commandments video to remind me of them and I gave them to you to remind you of them threw your life time! So please wise, brave, respectful one's! please promise me you will always follow god and not Satan! always look at the ten commandments everyday, every night to remind you so you will never forget! Thank you for reading this! I hope to see you someday! From, god's angel child ^^
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