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(Simple Yes/No Question Tarot Spread) 9 of Cups (Hearts) This card represents the question which is "How do you feel about me being with (Name of desired)?" Answer: It's a good time to be meeting people whether old or new the idea of it will be fun. Knight of Swords (Spades) This card represents the positive points upon the question. While this card represents a child of any age with brown or black hair and dark eyes. So in this case this represents the guy I'm interested in. Answer: At the moment I need to become more social with others to open up more doors to relationships. So it will come when I least expect it and when it does I'll have a blast. Knight of Pentcles (Diamonds) This card represents the negative points upon the question. While this card represents a child of any age with fair hair and blue eyes. So in this case it represents a close friend of mine who I'm also questioning about. Answer: It need to try and vary my daily routine and try out new things. Even through the past still haunts (I had a relationship with him in the past) will leave something desired. King of Diamonds (Pentcles) This card represents the outcome to the question. This card represents a male who has fair hair and blue eyes. So this represents another male I haven't been introduced to yet. Answer: I shouldn't try and be someone who I'm not if I don't feel comfortable with something then I shouldn't force myself to do it. Other then that this guy will sweep me off my feet I'll try and impress me.
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