BastNoseBest's Pictures

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1. (Basic soul nature coming into this past life) The next upcoming past life's soul nature is that they will need to share good attitudes with the people around them if not they need positive energy. 2. (Environment) The environment of the past life is important to take notice of and to improve on as positive affirmation and visualisation are ways to enrich the life on every level. So dream big and take baby sits to them come true. 3. (Early years) The early years of the past life shows that I need to give back some of the love that I've experienced or was given. While this is a connection to the divine and accept the support from the other side. 4. (Education) The education on the past life is that when preforming a ritual of any sort will help spiritually. Updating and re-inventing old traditions I had will serve very well in time. 5. (Accomplishments) The accomplishments that have been achieved in the past life is that again positive affirmations and goal setting will help make a dream come true. It's important to have a positive attitude when help is needed just ask for it. 6. (Occupation) The occupation in my past life wasn't clear I still needed to figure out my current career path. 7. (Social Status) The social status of my past life was of me needing to look back upon ancient organisations and traditions for a wonderful deep insight. Just by looking upon other belief systems along with learning about rituals from the past will deepen my spiritual understanding and practice. 8. (Relationships) Relations in my past life shows that I'm on my way on spiritual exploration. But I tend to get carried away and try to push things too far or too fast. I need to learn that spirituality is a process not an overnight thing. 9. (Family life) My family life in the past life is that I needed to share my spiritual understandings with other. As I've already gotten important insights that should be shared with others without realising it. Life will deepen immeasurably if I reached out to those I care about. 10. (Death) My death in a past life was of my preparing to enter into new realms while doing a spiritual exploration. A message was received from a spirit telling me ways on how to look at things. 11. (Lesson Learned Past Life 1) Life lesson that has been learnt in past life was that having another spiritual partner would be beneficial. Taking care of myself spiritually and emotionally is the first step to having a successful spiritual relationships with others. 12. (Lesson Learned Past Life 2) Life lesson learnt in past life was that the heart chakra started to open. Feeling of love towards everyone and everything. 13. (How past life affects querent's current life No.1) Wishful thinking can take it's toll on the spiritual aspect of life, as when we are caught up in "poor me" thinking or "I wish things were different," it tends to blind us to the beauty of what IS in our lives, right now. Stay constant and grounded in the present moment. If you can't keep a "gratitude journal" and write down things you feel grateful for every day, at least make a list of twenty people/situations/things in your life that you are grateful for now. Thinking along these lines can elevate your "spiritual mindset" immensely, and quickly. 14. (How past life affects querent's current life No.2) You are suddenly likely to be spiritually hungry when the Queen of Wands appears. There's nothing wrong with that, but don't get carried away thinking you've suddenly found "THE" total answer you've been looking for your entire life and sell everything you own, for example, to join a spiritual group in another country. Take your time, read and reflect, talk to lots of people, before making huge life changes. Your exploration is admirable. Crossing over into huge life-changing decisions without full consideration might not be as healthy.
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