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Feathers are known to be connected to the element of "air" that is the wind and eastern element. It is that which symbolizes intelligence, the mind, thought and new opportunities. There are those who believe that feathers are a natural conductor for energy and offer a higher vibration for healing faster. Silver is associated to the moon and is known to have a protective and receptive energy and is linked to emotions, the moon and water. Silver is also a psychic-influencing metal. It may be worn to stimulate psychic awareness by allowing one to more easily tap into the subconscious mind. It was once a common belief and still believed by some that Silver is strong in guarding against dangers during sea travel. In healing amethyst is used as a purifying crystal, it is known to ward off negative influences and to protect from environmental stress. Amethyst is used in healing to enhance personal spiritual awareness and to open the third-eye and crown chakras. Feather earrings, dangle jewelry, smudge wands and alter tools.
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