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first stirrings of spring, longer days, and the first flowers breaking through the soil signify for many a rebirth within, where the mantle of winter is cast off and new energies are welcomed into our lives. This resurgence of the green world all around us may become a time when our awareness of the intelligences in nature increases and we may feel the presence of the spirits of trees and other plants in a new and vibrant way. Every culture has its versions of nature spirits, inhabiting the trees and the flowers, stirring in the wind and the rain. They have many names and stories attached to them, and their relationships with humans vary as much as ours do with each other. But their presence, and their sharing the world with us at the periphery of our awareness is taken for granted in many parts of the world. In the West they are commonly known as dryads and devas today. Dryads, once the name for oak tree spirits in Ancient Greece has now become a generic name for all tree spirits, and devas, the glowing spirits of plants in Indian Hindu tradition has now become a popular name for plant spirits of all kinds.Copyrights:Danu Forest
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