Aster's Pictures

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  Nature spirits are sometimes considered to be Spirits or Powers of Place, although they can of course be devas and elementals as well. Powers of Place are spirits particularly connected to a specific area. They can be both devas and eleentals, as well as overarching  devas, faeries, animal spirits, collective animal spirits and ancestral spirits, human devas as well as local gods. 'Powers of Place' are not confined only to areas of unspoilt wilderness however. They can be found everywhere, including the busiest and most polluted of cities and the filthiest of facories. Here they may be working tirelessly to care for and cleanse the earth beneath, the weeds at the side of the road and the polluted air above and all those who dwell in such places. These nature spirits, sometimes called angels when they are drawn from the upper realms, care especially for the wounded places, and the areas of most need. They care for the hospitals and the schools, the sewage works and the power stations, with the same care that they give to the tiniest of flowers. However, sometimes our impact on the environment, physically and psychically, is so negative that even these spirits are pulled into a negative pattern themselves and can also require healing and compassion. This can happen to spirits on all realms and is responsible not only for creating tales of 'evil' pirits, but also for creating atmospheres of fear, disease and dread, together with corresponding responses from humans in contact with them, consciously or unconsciously. Copyrights:Danu Forest
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