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More on Spirit Animals: A totem animal expresses the spirit of that animal and the qualities we can learn from it. They are psychological and spiritual symbols that help us to develop the skills and qualities that we are lacking or needing in our lives. Animal totems work with your subconscious, tapping into your share of universal energy. Try thinking of totem animals as different channels or frequencies that we can tune into as our needs change. We simply adjust the frequency of our share of universal energy to tap into the desired channel. However, the key to understanding how to do this is being aware and perceptive of your surroundings. Having a totem animal does not mean that you worship the animal. Rather, you use the animal totem as a spiritual tool in symbiosis with the path you are already walking. Honor and respect for nature is paramount, as Man is not above nature but one with it. Totems, indeed all of nature, help to guide us on our journey of self-discovery by making us aware of our spiritual connectedness.
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