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The Norns: The Goddesses of Fate -------There was tree Norns who lived at the well Urd. Their names were Urd “past”, Verdani “present” and Skuld “future” The three Norns was the goddesses of fate. They spent most of their time spinning the threads of life, deciding the fate of every human, animal and every god. Whenever a child was born, the Norns spun the fate of the child in their threads. The three Norns would every morning start the day by placing a rooster at the top of Yggdrasil. The bragging of the rooster would work as a wakeup call for all humans and gods. Every day the Norns would also carry water from Urd’s well, and poured it over Yggdrasil. The water from the well was of vital importance to keep the tree green and healthy. The Norns was very respected in Viking times, it was quite common to serve a woman who had just given birth to a child some porridge, they called this porridge for “Norn porridge” The Vikings believed the Norns were always nearby whenever a child was born. The porridge was considered an offering to the Norns. They hoped the porridge would please the Norns and secure good health for the mother and the child.
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