hopefuwolf's Pictures

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Here she is IA's best friend named yukari I believe and she's here to give you ad vice about IA so I'll hand the ice cream microphone to her *lol yummy microphone right* " well I have to hold a melting ice creams huh any who IA is very sensitive to certain things so don't do any thing to hurt her or I'll put a curse upon thee~ and also she and hopefulwolf will try and give you advice that's well hopeful and helpful to you or just look at the pretty photos of IA and I and you will also see photos of other vocaloids too okay some nicer than others so please no haters oh and a note from IA and hopefulwolf" "have a good day" well that's all yukari wants to stay but bye and like always photo doesn't belong to me I just edited it on photoshopmail me to put on certain pics on here or to tell me something :)
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