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SpellsWealth  ► Success  ► cartoon
If you want to come into their world or make them come into yours this spell can help.

Casting Instructions for 'cartoon'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • a picture or pictures of the carecters
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • a picture or pictures of the carecters

Take your picture or pictures and sit them on the ground then chant: "Come to me, be with me. I wish for the cartoon carecters to be here with me, so mote be it."

Chant: "let me come to you my cartoon friends. Let me come into your cartoon world so mote be it."  In 5 mintes you will be teleported into there world or they will teleported into your world.

To come out chant: "Let me go home let be with in my real home so mote be it." or to send them back say: "let them go home let them back to where they came so mote be it."


Added to on Jan 06, 2016
Last edited on Oct 10, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Will it work with a drawing of them I only have a drawing of them

Jul 23, 2019
This is a fake spell, so it won't work either way.

You cannot enter the cartoon world and vice versa.

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