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Firstly, this is not a spell but a guide to help newbies create and cast their own spells. To create a spell, you will need: -a notebook -a pen Instructions: To meditate is not an easy task. And this is the first thing to do when creating a spell. You need to clear your minds of any thought, while focusing on the spell you wish to create and the after effects of the spell. For newbies, you might find it hard to meditate, so try meditating for at least 10 minutes while focusing on your spell. After meditation, pick up your pen and write whatever comes in your mind concerning the wording of your spell. Now your spell is finished, test it to know if it works. Tips in creating a spell: 1. Faith and belief are the keys to creating an effective spell. If you don't believe that your spell will work or you are having second thoughts, then probably your spell won't work. 2. Sorry to break this secret to you, but if you are writing spells to become like one of your superheroes in your comics, then it won't work out. While writing spells, you should note that fantasy spells are out of the questions. So as time travel spells, teleportation spells and physical transformation spell. Magic cannot alter the creations of nature. So transforming into a fairy, animal and elves, drawing a dragon on paper and casting a spell on a rock to turn into a dragon egg, shooting lasers from your wand like in the Harry Potter series are against the rules of magic. 3. To make your spell easier to memorize, try writing them in rhymes eg. Twinkle, twinkle, little star How I wonder what you are Note that here, star and are rhymes, so look out for rhyming words to add to your spells. 4. Consider adding prayers to your deities when writing a spell, if you feel that they serve a significant purpose in the efficiency of your spell. 5. Try using symbolic magical items like crystals, candles etc. When casting spells, because they help amplify the effects of your spells. 6. If you wish for your spell to seem more magical and mystical, then after writing it, try translating it to a different language like Latin. You can use any translating device for this. I plead of two favors from you. They are: 1. Please, if this guide worked out for you, let me know by private mailing me so that I can tabulate a statistics on the number or people that private mailed me to the number of viewers of this page. 2. Please, rate this article so that I will try to make it better if poorly rated.


You will need the following items for this spell:

  • The ingredients are already listed above.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • The ingredients are already listed above.



Added to on Jul 29, 2020
Last edited on Apr 21, 2021
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This requires an edit, but it is a great start and makes some excellent points to help you.

Mar 09, 2022
You are correct, but this can help anyone get a refresher on a few points in magik.

Mar 09, 2022
As I said, it has more to do with a format issue than information issue. I hope an editor can fix it and hopefully add to it.

I need help with magic, as I'm a beginner

Jul 18, 2022
To start, to avoid duplicate posting try to operate within the website through a single tab. Having multiple un-updated tabs can lead to losing track of what has been done. Or, if you are in doubt if an action posted just refresh the page.

Second, I've you make a post and submit it, don't use the back button to try to edit. Once submitted it is submitted, and redoing it by backing up can cause issues like double-posts. If it is a forum post copy your text, delete the post, then re load the forum page and submit over again with the corrections. If it is an article or spell reply where deleting isn't possible, do your best to re-read what you wrote before posting. And if an error happens that is minor (like a mis-spelling) just let it be. Unless the error changes the context of what you want to say, changes the meaning of your statement to something unintended, or makes your statement difficult to read there's no need to post a correction. (Lord knows I fall victim to this constantly) Only add extra/double posts if you feel they are needed for an important correction, or if you have more/new information you can add. We're all human, errors happen. Generally speaking people are pretty understanding as long as you are trying.

Oh, and for formatting tips basic html code works in spell/article sections. (p); paragraph, and (b) text you want bold (/b) are useful for spacing and emphasis. Just replace the round ( ) brackets with less-than/greater than brackets. And in the case of bold, be careful to end the section with the (/b) or else it will bold everything that comes after.

As far as getting help with magic, the best starting advice I can offer is to take your time with it. It is a dedication to learning that will take place for many years of your life. Learning meditation, learning visualization. Learning history, lore, multiple religions, philosophy, culture/Sociology, astronomy, numerology, astral travel, energy-working, chakras, auras, deities, guardian entities, guides... and the grand list goes on. But, over it all, to develop a good foundation begin with learning how to observe, how to engage critical thinking, and how to ask questions.

Unfortunately the sheer variety of information (and sources) out there is so broad and nuanced and colored by the cultures that any idea may come from that 'where to start is not an easy answer to give broadly.

Perhaps the fastest answer is this; What do you want to explore? Where does that childlike wonder and wide-eyed enthusiasm draw you. What questions do you have when you think about magic. What might you want to gain from learning about a magical path?

Observe the questions that circle your mind. Jot them down. Then pick one, hop into the forum, and ask. You might not gain an answer directly but there will come many suggestions on where to look for them.

Aug 11, 2022
Spirit, this was commented on my old account.

Needs an edit due to format issues, however what is mentioned is true.

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