Energy of Love and Desire

SpellsLove  ► Sexual  ► Energy of Love and Desire
Changing all energy in an building or place to exude, migical love, effection and lust.

Casting Instructions for 'Energy of Love and Desire'

You will need the following items for this spell:

You will need the following items for this spell:


Walk around the area 8 times (you only have to do it once if its a large area) repeating in you're head:



"I consecrate this space with Malikaen's grace and Dasurions passion."


While doing this picture a pink/red line of energy forming in the middle of the area, and picture it pulsing energy across the space with hearts flowing around it. the more consentration you put in the better the effect. After awhile you should notice people who are in that space show more color in their face and act more loving.


Added to on Feb 09, 2013
Last edited on Feb 28, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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