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Post # 21
To me low magick is your normal everyday magick such as love spells, money spells, all different aspects of the craft which people can almost consider a quick fix, or even a easy way out, it's not like this for all, but some people use the craft to get certain things out of life, material things, to each their own, but that to me is low magick, magick centered around making the ego feel better or more comfortable in one way or another.
High magick focusses on the soul and higher self and bringing self and higher self into unity within the body, now in doing so one releases more potential and energy than can even be achieved with any spell, this in turn also causes greater understandings, realisations about self, universe, conciousness etc. One uses various methods in high magick, but usualy it is the grounds where spells don't go, weapon of choice for personal change in high magick is sigils, rituals, and one or two forms of active meditations which releases and connect physical, soul, and self with both the earth and the universe, causing balance within self, now once you have acheived this balance you truly are enlightened, and then that is what you radiate forth. Another way to see it is low magick is for people who like to follow others, high magick is for those who like to find their own answers and paths.
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Post # 22
That I personally agree with. Low magicians say that they've felt they couldn't lead a normal life and follow more mysterious ways, but really using magick for everyday purposes isn't far from everyday life AT ALL. When using high magick one sees the world in a completley different and deeper way to average people and uses magick to seek answers to the surreptitious mysteries of their own life, the sub-consciouss mind and the secrets of this and the astral and spiritual universes. You'll often find that arcane and high witches know more about magick than the average low magickal witch.
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Post # 23
Most people start out with low magick, do they not?

One would hope that eventually you will evolve to a higher plane of thinking based on your expereinces and willingness to achieve it.
Personally, it's clear that I use low magick. But I have always wished to have a better understanding of myself and the universe...and eventually reach enlightenment, atleast by the time I die.

That's why I'm here. To shoot ideas back and forth and learn from others.
I will, however, promise to never ask for a spell to turn me into a mervampwolf and a potion to make me the most desireable chick on my block.
I already achieved the last part ;P lol
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Post # 24
To me High Magick is about bringing the mind, body and Spirit into balancement and if one does not put there Spiritual Growth first then everything else suffers for it. I don't know how many times I have warned people of this and most have ignored my warning and it has lead to their downfall.
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Post # 25
I don't really follow the being balanced thing. ie what it is, ways in which to start to begin to understand it ect.

I could be an idiot ( very very possile ) or I'm not ready to understand it yet.

I'm not sure which.
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Post # 26
I feel what the others have said is true. Many of those who practice the low magick do it for their own personal gain or a easy out. That to me has never been an interest. I've always tried to find a balance and a meaning to things. But then again I was brought into magick in a different way than most. My third eye opened on its own and I was thrust into magick. I began feeling things in a whole new way and I could see past the things that ensnare most others. Practicing green magick has given me a greater sense of balance as well. Looking into nature you will find just how extraordinarily well nature can balance everything out.
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Post # 27
It's my understanding that balance is the unity of mind body and spirit uptained through the chakra energy system. Even though we all have a mind a body and a spirit it doesn't mean they are in sync with eachother. There are 7 main chakras.
Solar Plexus
Brow or Third Eye
They are the bridge between the physical, mental, and spiritual. When these are balanced you are balanced when they are unbalanced problems will manifest themselves one way or another. Everything in life exists because of a natual harmony if that balance didn't exist neither would you. Bringing balance into your life allows for growth on a larger scale you begin to see the world differently as your awarness of life around you expands. You begin to see how everything is connected how everything is one. It is an important step towards self-realization and one that should be prioritized in life. I could go on and on, but it be a lot of reading.

I myself am not balanced, but it is what I strive to be.
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Post # 28
First off, healer, the only question that is dumb is the question unasked. Actually, this philosophy fits well in the 'energy of the universe' and the 'balance' we are talking about. All power obtained is based not on shiny parlor tricks (low magic) or fanciest robe and wand, but on the knowledge you poses.
To be in constant persuit of knowledge singles persons out, like yourself, from the sheep. The sheep being the dabblers, the curious, the self centered and self serving.

So. While I agree with most of the definitions here, I will repeat for the sake of repitition being the quickest way to learn.

Low magic, the mundane spells that deal on with elements on the physical plane and of a material nature, also require minimal magic. But that is not to say that Low magic is neccessarily terrible. You are right healer, most everyone starts with low magic. It is what a person learns from and after that determines the 'level' or experience that a person obtains.

high magic is reached when a person has become enlightened. Not neccessarily 'prophet' enlightened, but aware. The universe 'speaks' to you in a way that you understand the grand design. In the grand design, you see the ENTIRE flow of what your energy effects. You will understand where the energy comes from, where it goes, how it can become multiplied, that you are like a little battery that needs to be 'linked' with the universe (meditation) frequently to stay 'alive' in this state. high magic is high magic because it is energy based. While I could easily get back to a state where I perform High magic regularly, simply by picking up my old meditation states, I don't need to dust off an old book to apply my magic in that state. High magic is a conection with the earth and the universe that means you don't need to draw a circle. You have achieved everything you need in your mind. It is absolutely possible to do an entire ritual in your mind with high magic. It is also possible to simply FEEL somethign or THINK something and you have cast a spell. As crazy and scifi as this sounds, it is high magic. It is a level that most people will forever wish to reach and most will never obtain, because you have to have that understanding of that ENGERGY FLOW, of KARMA.
People think of Karma as some medusa waitin gin the shadows, it is not. Karma is much more that that. Karma is the scale that balances the universe. To understand Karma and energy flow and other various elements it to be enlightened and to begin to work in a state of high magic.
As I said, most people will never reach high magic because thier concept of magic is brooms and bubbling cauldrons, movie magic, etc. High magic is more of a club that hte universe gains acceptance to. no one can GIVE it to you, you can't buy it, cant touch it, can barely describe it. it is hard enough to teach it. Even to be taught, there is no guarantee that it will be obtained. You, as an entire entity, must assend to that level of your own free will and understanding.

..and I am long winded. I apologize. Passion is wonderful.
Low magic, materialistic, not neccessarily wrong, it is where everyone starts.
High magic, members only, available to everyone and anyone, it is all about knowledge and committment to that knowledge and the 'greater good' really.

Hope I clarified more than confused, if anything.
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Post # 29
That was Beautiful.

Healer you could go with mine, but mine is a balance on a smaller scale which would eventually lead to you uptaining the bigger picture, but Chameleon's is based on the bigger picture and balance as a whole. As your awarness of life expands it's like adding more pieces to a puzzle till eventually you have no more pieces and the puzzle is complete. This is when you've reached enlightenment.

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Post # 30
i have a qustion do thes spells work because i tryed doing a fling spell but it didnt work it said to say:fly now fly with the clouds i want to fly so mote it be. i tryed this ten times and how dou say mote do u say it like might or im confused
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