RE: thoughts

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RE: thoughts
Post # 1
Geeze you people just cannot wait for some one to mess up on this site then you all get up on your soap boxes and jump up and down chanting like little kids "na na your wrong".

If you don't like what some one has stated, go and do some credible research and then say, well you do have a valid point however, I found out.... and say where you got it from.

All knowledge is open to question and is therefore not set in stone.

Those who are new agers and give their view point on the history of magick can be wrong and they just want to sell books. Yes, I am talking about Fiona Horne, Silverravenwolf and Doreen Virtue. They do have many great ideas but seriously, they should do more research before claiming certain things.

Fiona only jumped aboard the Wicca train so she can cling to what is left of her fading career of fame.

Silverravenwolf suggests that our only animosity towards Christianity or other walks of life is that they promote that their way is the one true way. (not a direct quote mind you) She should not be stating that idea as one of the 13 principles of the Wiccan belief. We should be promoting acceptance, not having an intolerance as one of the things we uphold. Sure there are people who are intolerant of Wicca and magick, but some one has to start the peace right? War begets War.

Doreen Virtue. In one of her books, she states that you should not medicate your child if they have some so called medical problem. You are hindering their abilities. Um, Doreen, you have a Doctorate in spirituality, not medicine.

My point is, knowledge is open to question, we should not be bagging each other out if some one gets some thing wrong with what they are saying. Do your research from a variety of places and then come back and say some thing like "Well, you do have a point but I found..."

I know that not every one here is doing a college degree but hopefully this will reduce fights and pettiness.

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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 2
You are right
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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 3
Keep in mine, not everybody here is Wiccan. The argument doesn't go for absolutely everybody.
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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 4

"My point is, knowledge is open to question, we should not be bagging each other out if some one gets some thing wrong with what they are saying. Do your research from a variety of places and then come back and say some thing like "Well, you do have a point but I found...""

I agree with you on
"knowledge is open to question" but,
"If you don't like this post, don't reply" I agree with you the most on,
everyone should start putting that up on the bottom of their threads from now on lol,
no one will fight about anything.
But by making this thread you sound like your the one
"jumping" on the "soap box",
but you made good points.
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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 5
Allie cat, at least I am not one of those people who are saying that you are wrong and I am right. Not suggesting that you are saying that either lol.

I am just getting tired of people saying that some one is completely wrong and that they have the answers. I am just trying to say that any one can be right because knowledge is not set in stone that's all.

You do have a point about me getting on a soap box but hey, it's my first time doing so on this site.

Nice talking to you all and hearing your thoughts.

I know not every one here is Wiccan, I am just expressing my thoughts. You can agree or disagree, just politely say so
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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 6
Your wrong.. :P How about that... O_o..

Sorry, my appologies; I just felt the urge to say that.. since you are encouraging for some critical thinking.. ^_^ after all, I am all over that.. -_- that is why I might end up being a bump or in the crazy house, either way ends up being the same.. with some casualties... O_O to tell you I am not trying to make a point, just writing my thoughts down.. since they say, you never know what you are thinking till you write it down and read it.. so I can laugh later..
Now, to the defense of such entertaining writers.. O_o yeah, they are entertaining.. Silver has a very awkward way of expressing herself in books.. sounds like those priest on church, well more like pastors trying to convince you to look their way (I know, not much of a defense) ^_^ but yet, it is not her fault she is just expressing herself... one as a audience is responsible to do the critical thinking (meaning think for ourselves for the most part) and just use what she says as a reference... same goes with Dorene and Fiona.. though I am not quite familiar with Fiona... -_- or probably I am after all I suck at names and numbers.. ^_^ so, I will say I agree on disagreeing but not entirely.. since they still good source of information, they just tend to be bias like any other writer. As for knowledge go, not all is needed, and most now in days to end up being too much garbage collected.. -_- an example will be me... I know so many things that will not help me at all to get a job or survive for the matter... but luckily I got charm...
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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 7
Merry Meet FetishAngel. You have some valid points there. I have read some books that silverravenwolf has written and found her teaching very difficult to follow - if I was to do everything she said I would never have a ritual as it would be too difficult...

Anyway one thing i will say is that I haven't found many people fighting here - in fact I find that everyone has a point of view and states it. As was previously said we are all different on this site - not all wiccan not even all witches, some are into black magic some not. We have to have an open mind but if you do disagree i feel it is your right to say so in a nice friendly manner but state WHY you think they are wrong.

As we have heard before - don't beleive everything you read.

Hugs adn love

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Re: RE: thoughts
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 8
I find that some knowledge is set in stone. Like water in it's liquid form is wet and in it's solid form is cold. Mammals need air to breath, water to drink, and food to eat, or they will die. A mammal is a milk producing, skin and hair covered warm blooded animal. My list of knowledge set in stone can go on and on.

The knowledge of magic, however, is not set in stone but some of the history is. As with any history it was written by the winners of wars and the people left after the carnage. That is why it is so important to read as much as you can and not take one persons blind statements as truth. For you do not know what they see or what they want you to see.

Education is the best tool you can have in your life. It will take you further and help you live longer than any other weapon. The mind is a wonderful thing, don't waste it, fill it with knowledge and experience. Then one day you will have wisdom to pass on to others.
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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 9
Well said kts.

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Re: RE: thoughts
Post # 10
I must agree with Rowenadara and others.There is an air of tollerance on this site that is not found in many other places.That was one of the main factors that caused me to hang around.There are as many different facets of magic(k) represented here as there are countries,well almost.I have seen some argument around but they are usually because someone has said something that is obviously B.S. and others feel they need to be corrected.Shoot I feel very lucky I am even allowed to post here,after all.Im not a mermaid(merman,or merhuman...Whatever)I am not a half Vamp/half werewolf...or a demon...I mean I cant even fly or turn into a bug ,and most of the people here are really nice to me....Peace ......OH(I was just kidding,I am sorry if I offended Mermaids, Vampires,Werewolves,Demons,People that can fly,or Bugs)
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