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Post # 1
If this belongs in another spot on the forum, please let me know! I'm still slowly refamiliarizing myself with SoM!

I wanted to possibly inquire about an increased sighting of rabbits lately (As well as imagery related to rabbits and hares in general.) and I've been researching into that. I'd like some opinions from some others as well! Is there a specific meaning to these sightings? I'd be interested in learning more! Thank you in advance!
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Re: Rabbits?
By: / Novice
Post # 2

There are a few possibilities here as to the possible meanings of your rabbit sightings.

It could be natural. Depending on your locale there simply may be more or frequent rabbits in the area.

It very well be that this is a natural time for them to be out and about, ie, breeding. Or in your specific locale, they are currently flourishing.

As for imagery. You may want to consider where the imagery comes from. If it is social media the algorithm could be pushing these images out to you more. You may have scrolled by an image of such and spent a little time going past. The algorithm is now going to push more of this imagery.

In the case of imagery being on television or out and about in the world, signs as in signage, figurines at a shop, people talking about rabbits without prompting, these are things I would consider to be more of a true synchronicity.

Aside from all the mundane possibilities, if you feel rabbit coming up for you has some meaning it may be well worth to look into the meanings and symbolism of rabbit. From there you may be prompted to discover its personal meaning for you.

Signs tend to be very personal and tailored to an individual. It is unlikely another can accurately tell you the meaning of this symbol for you. You know best how rabbit makes you feel. What it suggests to you. And how its archetype can help aid in your life.

Good luck.

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Re: Rabbits?
Post # 3
Hi RenTheFox

So having rabbits as the family pet back in the day, i have come to learn a few things about this beautiful animals, and sometimes its this little creatures that carries a significant amount of meaning.

Well im not going to go too much into the spiritual meaning of rabbits, because its so diverse in regards to different paths and different religions and different spiritual practices, however i would like to share my thoughts on a rather different approach to your post.

So the obvious meaning of rabbits are fertility, abundance, transformation and intuition. So what I would like to touch on first is the movement of a rabbit, and what symbolic reference it has to us. So rabbits generally have very agile movements and like lightning fast reflexes. So this should serve as reference to us to embrace a sense of quick thinking. Also adaptability. Life as we know it, is full of change and sometimes sudden change. So with this agile movements and lighting fast reflexes, we too can guide ourselves through sudden changes and find solutions quicker to arising issues, and harness the power of adapting and thrive in changing circumstances.

Also, a rabbit is solely dependent on its intuition to sense danger and opportunities. And the symbolic reference for us here is, trusting our intuition to navigate through life, sensing danger, and seizing opportunities. Trusting our intuition is navigating through life with clarity and purpose. And being aware of dangers that may present itself.

And when we see a rabbit hopping, it like glides so gracefully through the air. And this serves as a guide on how we should like harmonize our own movements in life. Move gracefully, make mindful choices and embark on purposeful journeys.

And when it comes to the sign of fertility, rabbits can also represent the birth of new beginnings, new ideas, new ventures, or probably a new self. And not forgetting our good friends the rabbits in bring good luck.

So yeah, probably a different look at what rabbits could mean when you see a few of them or even spend time with them, like i did.

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Re: Rabbits?
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Setting aside the fact this time of year has more rabbits and the growth of certain animal populations, consider what you are doing when you see them. What were you thinking about? How were the animals reacting? Did one stand out? [like you saw a solid coloured rabbit or it just stared at you and didn't move as you approached] this can help narrow down the meaning. There are deities associated with them and symbolism depending on culture you can consider, but sometimes, a rabbit is just a rabbit. I would journal and keep track of these experiences to see if you can find a pattern.

An example from my life, I live in a small city and I've recently noticed great blue herons. They appear when I'm feeling overwhelmed and nervous about my future. The heron is a sign of calm, balance and presence. This has made me realize I need to ground more and improve my meditation routine. Once I realized that, I stopped seeing them. If these rabbits/hares are a sign, you should notice a pattern and once you start applying the wisdom, you'll notice fewer rabbits/hares.
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