Man-Made Magic

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Man-Made Magic
Post # 1
I always thought magic and natural crystals went hand in hand.
I grew up a bit of a purist when it came to man made tools (Resin Alters, and mad-made crystals, etc), and I genuinely thought they were less suitable for practice.
Over time though I've discovered something very interesting about Opalite: It's easier.. It's very capable as a magical tool, providing a smooth and comfortable focus on par with quarts or wand stone.

I wonder why this is. My theory is that since it's man-made it's naturally compatible with humans, in much the same way natural crystals are.
Magic is supposedly based in intent more than anything, and it's interesting to wonder if the qualities of opalite are ultimately just as natural as other non-man-made crystals.
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Re: Man-Made Magic
By: / Novice
Post # 2
There was a user on here who argued technology could be considered magick. Humans create tools. You could cast a spell to inspire you to build things. There are tech witches. They use apps, computers and other technology in their craft [like Word doc for a grimoire] They would also use stuff like TikTok and social media to not only get spells but to cast on people. I mean, they have a connection to you through your screen [which is a black mirror] and people post pictures of themselves/work/home all the time. A little digging and you've got everything you need for a spell.

As for man-made objects, I've met witches who use toothbrushes and plastic wands as their working wands. If you can direct the energy with it, use it. Man-made crystals and fake gems might not have the exact properties, but you could use them like an egregore/thoughtform. Egregores are spirits that are created when a group of people believe in something [it's a type of chaos magick. This is why some people work with Chithulu] So, if a fake crystal is created, you charge it with magick, you use it for a specific intention, the crystal will take on those properties [please note, there are limits to this, no amount of belief will make you fly, but you can use your intention and energy work to do things by thinking outside the box]
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