Love spell stories

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Love spell stories
Post # 1
I need some positive info. Has anyone cast a love spell on someone and still happy together?
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Re: Love spell stories
Post # 2
I'm guessing you're asking if love spells have any negative side effects that can lead to people breaking up long-term. The problem is every person would give you a different answer depending on their own beliefs and magical practices. Some people believe love spells (i.e. spells that make someone who was previously uninterested interested) to be magic that has bad karma and always has some kind of catch involved. While others, especially in certain left-hand path groups, believe there is no such catch, and that love spells simply work as is.

Assuming you are asking this because you want to try a love spell yourself, I'd say if you were worried about it maybe instead of trying a spell to change another person, try a spell to change yourself. Do something that makes YOU more likable to others and more attractive. This such spell is pretty unanimously agreed to have little to no negatives and can only help you.
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