
Forums ► Magic Items ► Mop
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Post # 1
Does anyone think a mop can be used as a magic item? If so, if you are comfortable with doing so, please describe how you would use it. Thank you.
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Re: Mop
Post # 2
A mop could be used as a tool in magick for cleansing and banishing spells and stuff like them. Like any other cleaning tool you can use it not only to clean your space physically, but also for symbolism to use in cleansing.

An example of something I use (not a mop, but you can take the idea and use it with one) is while brushing my hair I like to visualise any negative energy I have being drawn up the roots of my hair and then brushed off with my brush. You could transfer this idea to a mop by using the act of mopping your house within a house cleansing spell. Cleanse the physical, cleanse the spiritual. Many people like to make their own cleaning solutions that include moonwater or water infused with (water-safe) crystals and such for this reason.

Hope this helps ^^
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