Insight on a situation?

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Insight on a situation?
Post # 1
Hello. I'm a newbie and I had a strange occurrence a year or so ago and I'm wondering if anyone has any insight about it at all.

There was a total lunar eclipse in my sun sign on my birthday and I was relaxing at home. I go out almost every night to look at the stars. That night the sky was filled with very fast moving clouds and there was an intermittent mist. Suddenly I decided to go lay on the ground and watch for the eclipse even though it was cloudy abd could not see more that a faint light peak through for a half a second every once in a while. Almost as if I was in the back seat and someone else was driving my body, I gathered blankets and candles and crystals and a mirror and laid them strategically in the grass. I first meditated then laid there with my dog and cat for hours.

So the strange part is that later I realized that I had a very unusual communication during that time. It sounds crazy but it was as real as any other given moment of my life if not more. So this communication was with God. And in my personal terms I think of God as the all, source, consciousness, nature, you, me, the table, everything, there is nothing that is not God. But on this night it took the form of a cheerful little girl. I asked all kinds of questions and got all the answers, although some I can't remember as if they are just passed some thin veil. Any way I could go on and on about that whole thing but it would take hours.

So my question is does this have a name or does anyone know what exactly happened? Did I do some sort of spell? Why did I suddenly do a specific thing as if I knew exactly what I was doing but felt as if it wasn't really me doing it. Did I do something I shouldn't have? I'm just very curious if anyone has any knowledge they could impart. Thank you for your attention.
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Re: Insight on a situation?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
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Re: Insight on a situation?
Post # 3
It's hard to tell what that really is, the part where just decided to randomly set up blankets, candles and a mirror in a strategic position and lay down as your pets joined you could easily be dismissed as nothing but "being in auto pilot mode" . The part about having a conversation with the Abrahamic God would be a very personal conversation , now the part about the cheerful little girl, let's say it was a real spirit and not just a day dream , well some spirits like to play tricks on people and I certainly would not trust anything some random spirit said to me. Maybe its different for Christians but when I speak with my spirits they are very clearly them, they don't take on other forms so I'd be able to tell its them and the energy would feel the same. In terms of a name for this, it sounds more like you tapped into your subconscious mind and this girl was your subconscious form of yourself, (the part about not remembering certain answers is a large clue for me on this as well as the "being in the back seat" part also makes me think this as well) , So I do not believe this to be the Abrahamic God but rather a sort of "switch" to your subconscious mind, plus during eclipses energy is very very amplified, so this kind of thing is quite normal (obvious the part about the little girl is specific to you as it was your subconscious mind's representation of yourself) I've had experiences like this when I work with lunar eclipses and I want to "talk to my subconscious/ myself" you just appeared to have done it without being aware, but that's just one of things a lunar eclipse can be used for.

Hope this is useful to you.

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