Dark persona summoning

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Dark persona summoning
Post # 1
Hey Aristotle Cobblefrost here, can one summon a buried dark persona of themselves. What are the pros and cons of such a summoning.
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Re: Dark persona summoning
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I don't think a summoning would be very effective, as a summoning is usually for bringing an external force towards you. Not really to draw up an internal aspect of yourself.

I would suggest that if you are looking to access or 'draw up' a part of yourself that has been hidden or repressed then you would want to look into the practices of shadow-work and inward journeys. What you are looking for, being an aspect of yourself, resides internally so it wouldn't gain you much to be trying to draw in something from outside of yourself.

As for pro's and cons? I would look at it more like risks and rewards. What you examine, what you do with what you find, and whether it becomes something beneficial or not lies greatly in you and how prepared you are to dedicate yourself to the process.

And it is a long process. Life-long, technically. It is an act of becoming actively observant of the things you have been spending your life avoiding and not wanting to deal with. It is a task of willfully observing the parts of yourself and your past that you do not like, regret, fear, even hate. And taking the time to discover why they are unpleasant, or regretful, or why they bring you pain or sadness. Then learning from them, integrating them as an active part of who you are (Stopping your instinct to repress), and allowing yourself to grow and be a better person by letting yourself heal from those things. Which also often means accepting what responsibility you have in those events (and what responsibility you don't) in order to re-develop your Self agency and personal power.

Find, recognize, observe, learn, heal, and let go.

It means being active in your growth and improvement as a person. You will experience sad memories, old hates, choices you regret, remembering times you felt lost or powerless. But also observing where these events lead you. Consequences and choices and lessons that resulted in you being where and who you are now. And, in turn, empowering you to turn growth from the past into empowerment for your future.

The risk, is the cost of energy time and wherewithal to work through these things. Many people get stalled out or hung up on traumas they feel are too daunting to face. Or they put themselves into a cycle of depression and re-live the events of their shadowy past over and over instead of keeping themselves as the observer and letting things go. It can mean emotional breakdowns as you process things you spent possibly many years running away from. Or long periods of lost traction/little movement, inability or loss of desire to continue on the journey, or just plain being afraid to dig further and see 'what's next'.

The rewards? Healing. Growth. Genuine Self awareness that goes beyond the self-indulgent snowflake 'woke' fad of the week. A building of genuine Self-reflection and observation that creates self-worth, authority/self-discipline, insight, and empowerment over your present and future. It can create a sense of peace contentment, and direction in your life that you never knew you had.

It brings your awareness to the present. Where, when, and who you are. And from there, well, you suddenly find you have the power to do with that what you will.
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Re: Dark persona summoning
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from General Info.
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