New! And also…suggestion!

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New! And also?suggestion!
Post # 1
Hi all!
I am new here and I have been compiling information about practices and info on believes and practices to celebrate the change of the seasons, recipes for simmering and types of spells, and about tarot cards and the list goes on and on!!! I have been writing all of this on a repurposed notebook, but I finally found the perfect notebook to start a more organized grimoire. My questions is about how do these grimoires are usually orginized. Do people go by dates like a diary, or is it better to section it into portions based on the type of info.
I would also love to get suggestions for books to read about everyday magick.
Thank you in advance for all help!
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Re: New! And also?suggestion!
By: / Novice
Post # 2

I am currently writing a personal grimoire I intend to self publish and I have found the easiest way for me to organize it is in sections on topics, however it is worth noting I am using a document to write it digitally. Sectioning it may prove a bit more difficult in a physical book.

I suggest organizing it in the way that is easiest and the best for you.

I also suggest not to worry too much about how it looks, or making mistakes.

It is more important to take note of your practice, and what spells and information you find important.

As for book suggestions this is going to depend on exactly what you mean by everyday magick.

What types of magick or magickal practices interest you?

Looking specifically for books on topics you find of interest will tend to be more beneficial than looking on general books on the topic of magick.

Are you interested in Wicca? Ceremonial Practices? Green Witchcraft?

Narrowing your current studies can help lessen the feeling of becoming overwhelmed.

Much luck to you!

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Re: New! And also?suggestion!
Post # 3
Thank you for your reply!

I am not sure if this is narrow enough but I am interested in Wicca and pagan ceremonies, also anything about using herbs, from best ways to collect them and process them to how to preserve and use. I have started my own apothecary and it also looks like a mess… collecting in autumn is messy buseness.
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