Discoveries Realisations!

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Discoveries Realisations!
Post # 1
Kay, so if you've read my other threads you'll know i have made a lot of discoveries concerning my powers/magick over these months. But i've had more since i last logged on.

i have found out that i am a MERMAID. Seriously. I see my tail purple, but my friends see it different colours depending on their powers/magick. I can make it appear/disappear at will. If you have read CALLING ANYONE CONNECTED!, you will know about my kooky-spooky connection with the tv show H2o Just Add Water. See, i have been behaving like Rikki Chadwick without intending to(but not against my will). Now for some REALLY AMAZING things i have done concerning energy:
I have put out and lit a fire with my bare hands in a pub
I have cooked a grilled cheese on toast with my bare hands
i have charged and mp3 player with my finger
i have charged a BlackBerry(email device) with my finger
i have put out a lightbulb with my emotions.

I have also discovered that there are spirits at work. I KNOW I KNOW, there have always been spirits, but here's where it changes:

There is a children's book series by Linda Chapman called Stardust, and it is all about a girl called Lucy and her life as a Stardust Spirit. Now i won't go into the books now, but in the book there are dark spirits whih are spirits gone bad who always want more power. more more more! they use their magic to draw powers from other spirits and from the stars. And i have a sneaking suspicion that they are more than just characters from a kid's book. i think i have had encounters with them on numerous occasions. i think they only target practicers of earth and stellar/lunar magick but they still may be dangerous.

the point of all this is to see who supports my theories. if you have heard of Linda Chapman and/or her Stardust series, think you have been targeted by a dark spirit, or anything else i have said please reply to this post.

Ps please don't leave comments saying that dark spirits already exsist. i know this, but there is just something different about these particular spirits. I don't know how to put it into words.
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Re: Discoveries Realisations!
Post # 2
omg and something else: My neightbour is called Linda Chapman(she's not the author though).
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