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Post # 1
Need something to get them away from me like now!
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Re: Illuminati
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

The Illuminati as an occultl organization do not exist. These days what are called Illuminati are fraternal orders at a couple of Ivy League colleges.

That being said, it could be some other sort of spiritual being that is bothering you. If you could give us a bit more information about what is going on, then I'm sure we can offer some helpful suggestions for dealing with it.

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Re: Illuminati
Post # 3
How could you possibly know if it exists or not? Many occult groups today operate in secrecy and privacy. Back in the day when the Illuminati was made known to the country's authority, they banned and made illiegal occult organizations, why would it be hard to believe that the group that was making itself known, decided to remain hidden? This is what occult means right, ''hidden'.
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Re: Illuminati
Post # 4
That's just a name to throw you off and believe the illusion while they go by other names. Symbolism is quite hidden but it's seen in plain sight.

More like you should look into the Saturn Death Cult and The Purple Dawn on YouTube to find out more.

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Re: Illuminati
Post # 5
So, let's roll with the idea that the Illuminati are real.(And I believe they are, but not in the Hollywood stereotypical Dark Cult version. I believe they are a group of tenacious Business Enterprises who have found a way to control American and Western Politics, and that's the extent of what I think a real-world Illuminati consists of.)

Illuminati have no interest in 'common' people. If they set their sights on someone, it will be someone powerful.The Hollywood idea of the 'Illuminati' going after a single working-class individual for posting a blurry photo online is--in my opinion--total bunk.

So. Why you?
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Re: Illuminati
Post # 6

So I am new to the forum, I think you might feel like there’s people of higher order “watching you” or “supervising you” now why do you think that in general?

Did something happen?, like did you get followed by someone or do you feel some sort of a presence “watching you”? We need more detail then what the Illuminati is and why you want them gone fast?

You have to tell us the are detailed explanation then what you a had posted.

Peace and clarity to you.

From: Sabrina101
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