Physical effects of magic

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Physical effects of magic
Post # 1
I'm a little confused. We always tell people what magical energy can't do and with good reason. You can't use magic to levitate yourself or other things, control the wind, hurt someone instantly, light something on fire, etc. Note I'm leaving out obvious physically impossible things like creating fire/lightning/ice from nothing or teleportation. According to the recent topic about glass braking during a spell though, it was suggested that a spell can in fact have enough energy to somehow break glass under certain circumstances. I don't understand how this is physically possible if some other things are not. I know of the many mundane ways glass can break, but what would allow magical energy which is a subtle energy to break glass? It just seems odd. Or is this just something that's not currently understood?
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Re: Physical effects of magic
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I know it can get confusing, but I'll try to explain.

Magick on the physical is ruled by nature and therefore can't contradict nature [I'm sure you've read my explanation before, just bear with me] Different planes of existence have different rules on how magick works. On the physical, if something is naturally impossible, magick can't do that change. Therefore, no levitation or transformation or teleportation so on and so forth blah blah blah.

But glass can break naturally. It's fragile. If you run an electric current through a physical object, it can change [break, catch fire, melt] and magick is energy. With enough energy, one can do minor changes to the physical world. Nothing unnatural, but a candle flame flickering a certain way while casting should be interpreted because it reveals the energy behind the spell. [I've had odd experiences with magick. I don't use candles in my circles anymore because most of my Pagan friends are fire signs and we're tired of the fire candle burning out in ten minutes when it should take several hours]

The other reason a glass could break, or something strange happens is divine intervention. I've lived with spirits my entire life, I've seen them move physical objects. They are from a different energetic planes. It's higher than ours and has different rules. The best way I heard this described is to imagine you've got a 2D drawing. The drawing only knows the 2D world it resides in. Suddenly, their hat is erased. The drawing can't erase a hat. The 3D person who drew the painting can erase the hat.

Now, imagine you're walking along, minding your own business and some unseen force snatches your hat from your head and it vanishes. You'd rightfully freak out. You'd run and tell people who would roll their eyes and tell you it was the wind. Some might believe you, some might argue the spiritual/scientific explanations of why the hat vanished off your head. This wouldn't be the result of magick on the physical plane. [we established, magick doesn't contradict nature. You can't turn a hat invisible naturally, you can't do it magickally] The hat vanished because a divine being reached from their plane of existence into ours and snatched the hat.

But why isn't this more common? You might ask. Because higher beings are wise enough to know not to snatch hats from humans, because it would blow our minds and we're not at the same spiritual level to accept spiritual truths. Think back a few years with those TikTok witches hexing the fae and the moon. The human ego needs to be released in order to grow spiritually. Your average human thinks we're at the top of the food chain because on the physical, we har. But in the vast universe, we're ants. [well, more like raccoons. Got these thumbs and can figure out traps, but can be easily pushed around by those bigger than us] Essentially, most divine beings are tired of us and unless you're ready to work with them, won't bother with us. As for those rare hat snatch moments, just like how not all humans are nice, not all divine beings are nice. Sometimes, you'll meet a faerie or spirit or whatever that doesn't like humans and wants to mess with them for fun.

However, since this is Pandora's box, and many members are here to learn a few fun spells and basic "how crystals work" or whatever, most advanced practitioners don't talk about it publically because it can be terrifying or confusing for new members who are still protected by a lack of knowledge [that's something I can't explain well, but basically, you've got a safe little shield around you from the universe and once you learn something, that bubble goes away. Which is why protections are a basic necessity. If you know how magick works, you've learned enough to defend yourself and the training wheels are removed]
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Re: Physical effects of magic
Post # 3
Hmm. Interesting. There are a lot of things that can happen naturally that supposedly can't be done with magic though, so maybe it's simply a matter of natural energy requirements that can't be met through magic. The body can only hold so much energy, and energy always has to go somewhere if it's being taken from something else.

For example, freezing water requires that the molecules lose energy and slow down. This happens naturally and with technology all the time, but I can't imagine anyone has the ability to move enough energy out of water magically to cause it to freeze. That's why we say it's not possible. It's too large a change for us even though it's natural.

There are ways levitation can happen with technology and the wind picks things up all the time depending on the circumstances, but again, energy requirements get in the way so it's not possible with magic.

As for spirits and other beings, if one showed up and started moving things around I'd want to try to communicate with it. I always think that's possibly why they leave me alone. I'd be more curious than frightened and want to ask them a lot of things such as how they're able to do certain things. That might annoy them a bit. If one wasn't that fond of humans, I'd want to take the time to understand why and do my best to show it that not all humans are horrible creatures.
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Re: Physical effects of magic
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Regarding ice, water freezes naturally when the temperature is cold. A human doesn't have the natural ability to point at something and say "freeze" and it freezes. That's where the magick line is [but you can use ice in freezer spells and other types of magick to symbolically freeze something]

Regarding levitation, again, humans can't will themselves to levitate. It's not something humans were born with the ability to do. But you could cast a levitation spell to inspire you to create a form of technology which will make it possible.

Regarding spirits and spiritual beings [this includes astral creatures, angels, demons, faeries, Dragons, deities, ancestors and so forth] they're all around us and for many, they haven't raised their psychic awareness enough to communicate [try pendulum work, it's an easy way to start conversations with spirits] the reason a spirit avoids someone could be the person or the spirit. The person might not have the right ability to sense spirits [as previously mentioned] or their energy is uncomfortable for the spirits. It could also be your protections prevent them from getting through and you might want to include something like "spiritual beings who wish no harm are welcome" in your protections.

As for your efforts to prove not all humans are bad, I'll give you an A for effort, but that might just upset them more. There are spirits [faeries, demons, angels, Dragons, whatever] that want absolutely nothing to do with humans and we've got to accept that. Saying "I'm not like other humans" and ignoring their request to "leave me alone" will only make matters worse. I know you mean well, but that's kind of an ego/shadow response right there. It hurts, but sometimes, you've got to accept some beings will hate you for no other reason than that you were born a certain way and that's it. These spiritual beings can become violent if you insist on being their friend. [take Redcaps for example. Hate humans. Want nothing to do with them. In their lore, if they see a human, they will murder that human and soak their caps in their blood. Less common, but still something you should not seek out because they just haven't seen MLP Friendship is Magic with you or whatever. When someone tells you who they are, believe them]

If you wish to ask these questions to spirits willing to work with you, that's fine. Raise your spiritual vibration, get a good daily routine in place, work on your psychic abilities, and be mindful of your surroundings. Once you begin building a relationship with your spiritual team, you can then ask them questions about the other realms. [just don't press them if they say no or don't give you the answer you wanted]
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