A deity is reaching out?

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A deity is reaching out?
Post # 1
I’ve always wanted to do deity work but, I always felt who I was meant to work with would come to me at the right time. Recently I started seeing spiders everywhere and practically over night my bedroom door only was covered in webs, none around the door or the rest of the hallway. I felt like it meant something and started looking into who it could be but, was quickly overwhelmed by the number of possible answers. I then talked to a friend who does deity work about it, she asked if i had been feeling any of a number of things, all of which I had though 2 things stood out strongest. She asked if I had felt urged to a better relationship with myself, and if i had felt pulled to anything new to self express specifically anything like jewelry. I had been reevaluating my relationship with myself and had not only just bought new jewelry but, i went on a 2hour mission to find a specific pair of earrings that I could not get out of my head. Now, here’s where I really get flustered; my friend thinks its Aphrodite, however i can find nothing tying her to the spiders but, at that same time I realized my recent tarot readings have repeating patterns of symbols generally associated with romance and imagery of sea life appearing on the cards I pull. Im so conflicted at this point because even if it is Aphrodite I’ve had a difficult time finding much about working with her, which also makes me feel its not likely her. If someone would please give me some insight on what or who they think and point me towards useful information on such, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks so much and apologies for the length, I wanted to make sure anyone with insight had as much detail as they may need.
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Re: A deity is reaching out?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
So, it's spiders and new jewelry? I wouldn't conclude a deity is reaching out to you if it's just that [not saying there isn't a deity, just saying your friend jumped to conclusions if it was just that]

What was so important about these earrings? was there a certain symbol or made of a specific material that drew your interest?

As for spiders, my first thought was Arachne but she was turned into a spider by Athena [if you want to get technical, Athena is related to Aphrodite but I doubt she would be this obtuse in her signs] Other deities associated with spiders [in no order] include Neith, Ananse, Ishtar and Minerva [to say nothing of spiders in myth] I would research spiders as symbols and mythology surrounding spiders since that might be a clue in the right direction.

When it comes to the imagery you associate with Aphrodite, love and the ocean, this too could be other deities [love or sea deities] You should stop listening to your friend [or other people] and ask yourself what feels right. Meditate, journal, even pull tarot cards on it. This is a personal journey between you and the deity, so while asking others for advice is fine, you need to listen to what resonates for you. Keep researching Aphrodite and journal about any feelings that may come up.

I know my fair share of people who work with Aphrodite [I'd argue she's in the top 3 Greek gods people work with] The issue is there isn't an official "temple of Aphrodite" where you go to worship. A lot of deity veneration is UPG [unverified personal gnosis] you begin with research through the mythology and even the culture that deity comes from. If there are any specific rules about worship found in a historical text, follow them [like how she's associated with doves, you can't just go "on second thought, she likes pelicans" however, she's seen with small white birds, so you might notice a mourning dove, or even white pigeons and feel they were sent by Aphrodite] Those who work with Aphrodite tend to work with her to help with self-love and confidence. Since that's a personal journey, you might find an Aphrodite meditation, but what comes from it would be different for everyone.

I suggest researching her further to see if she resonates with you [should be an "ah-ha" moment] then set up an altar [doesn't have to be permanent] and introduce yourself [who you are and why you wish to work with her] then wait for an answer. This could take up to a month, so don't sit around for hours. A quick meditation, then thank her for listening, take down the altar [if it can't stay up] and go about your day, but be mindful of any signs.
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