This is wonderful

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This is wonderful
Post # 1
Hello everyone,

I am Zorya, I use she/zie pronouns interchangeably, young woman/old teenager and new here on SOM. I also new to the craft in general but the more I read, the more I realize I already knew things but just hadn't identified those to magic. I am looking to meet some similar minded fellow witches to discuss with. I am still unsure about what type of magic best fits with me.... Which makes me curious, when/how did you know what the best path was for you ? How did you start your journey ? I am in a region where witchcraft isn't exactly well regarded (but lucky enough not to risk persecution for it) and there aren't many people I can reach out to in order to learn.

Thank you, so nice to meet you !

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Re: This is wonderful
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Nice to meet you, Zorya. Welcome to SoM ^_^

As for your question, it's kind of a lifelong journey. I was born with clairvoyance and prophetic dreams [I come from a long line of psychics and diviners like tea leaf reading, palmistry, bone reading, tarot] so while nobody was a "witch" it was normal to have spirits around or be told stuff like "kill a spider and make it rain" or drink hot honey and lemon when you have a sore throat. [mix of home remedies and superstitions made up most old magick] But I didn't convert until I was in my teens. I was 16 when I officially converted to Wicca, but over the years I've stepped away from Wicca and just call myself a Witch. [Eclectic Witch or Kitchen witch to be precise] I did a lot of reading and practice to get where I am today. I took breaks here and there with my craft, but I never stopped calling myself a witch [breaks in your practice are normal. Think of them like plateaus while climbing a mountain. Nothing wrong with resting before continuing the climb]

I think my first major breakthrough was around the age of 21-22. I had completed college and stopped practicing. I wanted to get back into my craft, so I bought a copy of The Goddess is in the Details by Deborah Blake and it opened my eyes to a new way to practice. I was very Wiccan in my practice, and only did anything spiritual on esbats and sabbats until my friends moved away and I just couldn't be bothered. [I used to have them over at least once a month to celebrate] The Goddess is in the Details was about bringing magick into the mundane and living your craft instead of reserving it for holidays. Since then, I've focused on how to incorporate my faith into my day [morning prayer, stirring tea with intention, blessing meals before eating, cooking with specific ingredients for their magickal properties] Even my spells have become far less elaborate, but still just as effective. [say a bath with salt instead of a full ritual cleansing which leaves me drained. There's a time and place for every spell]

Good luck on your journey. I suggest joining a group on here to help you build a community and learn. [you can also comment in the forums, spells, articles and chat]

Take care ^_^
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